Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Arrogance, thy name is defeat
India’s civilian nuclear deal with the US was plagued by a serious epidemic of arrogance in all those, who thought they can impose their brand of dictatorial regime over other people and even their own people.
The names of the plague-afflicted would start with US President Bush, his state department peons, the ambassadors of both countries in New Delhi and in Washington, and last but not the least, India’s very own soft-spoken Prime Minister, who got the spine to challenge his own coalition partner with a humiliating take or leave it ultimatum.
The way the US side is sulking and calling names, over the turning of their spurious hustle job, to force the gullible Indians to sign on the dotted line, its modest operandi is fully exposed to friends and foes.
Under the expert guidance of the Jewish neo-con handlers, the US works on the lines of a pack of hyenas out to hunt in an organised manner, once a victim is identified and isolated.
The moment the phone call between Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and US President came through, while Singh was on a tour of Nigeria to tie up some oil deals, US was ready with a response worthy of a jilted lower, out to burn the lover’s house down. A traveling Congress man, in the town, by accident or by design at the right moment, was most handy to add his own venom to already tense political environment. With the defeat of President Bush’s very personalized initiative at the hand of India’s Communists, being out in front, though with full across the board unanimous support, even within the Member of Parliament community, America could only see the hand of Putin and China behind the scuttle. The storm around Bush and Putin is gathering with increasing intensity and with the kind of leadership at the helm of the USA, who are as quick on the draw as any legendary Wild West rider of the classics could be expected, Bush wasted no time in calling a Press Conference, putting Putin on warning, to keep off Iran, as it is supposed to be Bush territory. The cold war redrawing the world among the two protagonists is on.
Indian leaders are fully aware of US/Israel designs on Iran and with the obsession to get the 123 deal through, they were sucked into playing a very negative role, however reluctantly, to isolate and turn Iran from a friend to an enemy, without fully realizing where this forced change of foreign policy on behalf of the US, would lead. Poor gullible bureaucrat of a Prime Minister, Manmohan Singhji, blinded by prospects of an economic windfall for Indian economy, had no time to go any length, to think through the implication of US drawn 123, which could give full authority to the US to order Indian Prime Minister, with a single phone call either from the White House, or even from the US embassy in New Delhi, to follow US dictates, on pain of dire consequences.
Short sighted English media editorialists and analysts are churning out lead articles demonising the Left and eulogizing the benefits of a 123 civilian nuclear agreement with the US, without getting into the longer term scenario of the kind of relationship that is being imposed on India. There can be no doubt that India would hugely benefit from being part of a close nuclear community, but what costs? The big brother within the group will take over and skim off all the cream from any such ‘natural strategic partnership’, feeding billions of dollar worth of business to its own suppliers, while closing other alternative energy options for India.
Dalai Lama had been our country’s honored guest for decades long stay. India never used his presence to play politics with our bigger neighbour, China. Now that Bush has chosen to play Dalai Lama card to up the ante with China in their bilateral relationship, will it be in the interest of Indian people to get involved in the game on Bush side, especially when the US moves are all to serve their own interests. Of course, Indians would like to see Tibetans get better deal from China, but what if China feels Indian Kashmir should get better deal from New Delhi.
Why should Indian leaders run after the so-called ‘natural strategic partnership’, where they are exposed to more and more entanglements of the worst kind?
With general elections on the horizon, politicians will do best to keep India peaceful and integrated. Though Manmohan Singh has seriously damaged his whole potential worth to India, by his very arrogant handling of his portfolio, he can redeem himself by eating humble pie and go into intense interaction with his coalition partner in the left, and try to build a national consensus that can stand solid for a peaceful India, strong enough to withstand successfully against push and pull of the coming phase of a very dirty future of international politics.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai
Arrogance, thy name is defeat
India’s civilian nuclear deal with the US was plagued by a serious epidemic of arrogance in all those, who thought they can impose their brand of dictatorial regime over other people and even their own people.
The names of the plague-afflicted would start with US President Bush, his state department peons, the ambassadors of both countries in New Delhi and in Washington, and last but not the least, India’s very own soft-spoken Prime Minister, who got the spine to challenge his own coalition partner with a humiliating take or leave it ultimatum.
The way the US side is sulking and calling names, over the turning of their spurious hustle job, to force the gullible Indians to sign on the dotted line, its modest operandi is fully exposed to friends and foes.
Under the expert guidance of the Jewish neo-con handlers, the US works on the lines of a pack of hyenas out to hunt in an organised manner, once a victim is identified and isolated.
The moment the phone call between Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and US President came through, while Singh was on a tour of Nigeria to tie up some oil deals, US was ready with a response worthy of a jilted lower, out to burn the lover’s house down. A traveling Congress man, in the town, by accident or by design at the right moment, was most handy to add his own venom to already tense political environment. With the defeat of President Bush’s very personalized initiative at the hand of India’s Communists, being out in front, though with full across the board unanimous support, even within the Member of Parliament community, America could only see the hand of Putin and China behind the scuttle. The storm around Bush and Putin is gathering with increasing intensity and with the kind of leadership at the helm of the USA, who are as quick on the draw as any legendary Wild West rider of the classics could be expected, Bush wasted no time in calling a Press Conference, putting Putin on warning, to keep off Iran, as it is supposed to be Bush territory. The cold war redrawing the world among the two protagonists is on.
Indian leaders are fully aware of US/Israel designs on Iran and with the obsession to get the 123 deal through, they were sucked into playing a very negative role, however reluctantly, to isolate and turn Iran from a friend to an enemy, without fully realizing where this forced change of foreign policy on behalf of the US, would lead. Poor gullible bureaucrat of a Prime Minister, Manmohan Singhji, blinded by prospects of an economic windfall for Indian economy, had no time to go any length, to think through the implication of US drawn 123, which could give full authority to the US to order Indian Prime Minister, with a single phone call either from the White House, or even from the US embassy in New Delhi, to follow US dictates, on pain of dire consequences.
Short sighted English media editorialists and analysts are churning out lead articles demonising the Left and eulogizing the benefits of a 123 civilian nuclear agreement with the US, without getting into the longer term scenario of the kind of relationship that is being imposed on India. There can be no doubt that India would hugely benefit from being part of a close nuclear community, but what costs? The big brother within the group will take over and skim off all the cream from any such ‘natural strategic partnership’, feeding billions of dollar worth of business to its own suppliers, while closing other alternative energy options for India.
Dalai Lama had been our country’s honored guest for decades long stay. India never used his presence to play politics with our bigger neighbour, China. Now that Bush has chosen to play Dalai Lama card to up the ante with China in their bilateral relationship, will it be in the interest of Indian people to get involved in the game on Bush side, especially when the US moves are all to serve their own interests. Of course, Indians would like to see Tibetans get better deal from China, but what if China feels Indian Kashmir should get better deal from New Delhi.
Why should Indian leaders run after the so-called ‘natural strategic partnership’, where they are exposed to more and more entanglements of the worst kind?
With general elections on the horizon, politicians will do best to keep India peaceful and integrated. Though Manmohan Singh has seriously damaged his whole potential worth to India, by his very arrogant handling of his portfolio, he can redeem himself by eating humble pie and go into intense interaction with his coalition partner in the left, and try to build a national consensus that can stand solid for a peaceful India, strong enough to withstand successfully against push and pull of the coming phase of a very dirty future of international politics.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
If Putin can have his way, he will be able to upturn the whole neo-con apple-cart. It is the emerging Russia v/s the Jewish neo-cons, entrenched in the USA. By successfully dismantling the old Soviet Union's Communist regime, the Jewish robber barons had moved into Russia to pick up the crown jewels of Russian economy. Look around the whole spectrum of the emerging Russia, and you will find the Russian Jewish capitalist class was suddenly everywhere and within no time; they had been so powerful as to threaten Russia's new strongman, Vladimir Putin. An old KGB hand, Putin wasted no time and put the most dangerous of the Jewish operators behind the bars. Others overnight flew away, finding sanctuary in Israel and UK. The cold war was on, in all its practical dimensions. The neo-cons have their tentacles at all levels of world economy and security establishments. Marked fugitives were hunted down. Step by calculated step, Putin is raising the ante against the Jewish Neo-con ruled USA. In a calibrated move, Putin is covering both sides of the street; though short of armed clash, both sides do not see any reason to trace back their steps.
It is an extreme sign of desperation, that western media carried the drummed up warning to Putin, not to visit Iran, under threat of his own life. The whole western build up against Iran, now held up for a UN Security Council consensus on strong sanctions on Iran, is seriously threatened by Putin's visit to Russia. Though the Putin's Iran visit that follows his meeting with Germany's Chancellor Markel, does give out strong indications, that Putin is open to western suggestions to put maximum pressure on Iran as a mediator, to review its current position on its nuclear policy, Putin has its own equation with Iran, in the context of new developments in oil industry prospects of the Caspian Sea and Central Asian countries. Since Putin visit to Iran is the first since Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution, the importance of the visit virtually puts a stamp of approval and acceptance of Iranian Revolution from a world power. That is a direct challenge to western Neo-con strategies on regime change in Iran and total take over of Iran by combined forces of US and Israel. Since Putin is openly and vigorously charting its own independent positions on global issues, including world security and oil economics, it would be logical for him to keep Iran away from western influences of all kinds, be those supposed to be put in place either through economic sanctions, direct invasion or internal subversion. This then will be a big defeat of the US/Israel's Jewish neo-con agenda of world domination through the use of force. And it is doubtful if they will ever relent in their diabolic determination to proceed with their evil designs world-wide. Since they thrive on such grandiose conspiracies, their list of targeted victims would include increasing number of countries that are defying their hegemonical plans. Russia, China as well as India, all will be next on their list for subversion, right after Iran. So in a way, Iran is the best place to mount the last stand against Jewish neo-cons' international conspiracies.
India's Brahminical global strategists are teaming up with the Jewish neo-cons, to build up their own dreams of joining the western great game. Unfortunately or fortunately the 3% Brahmins and their highly exclusivist positioning in a multi-culturist India, does not guarantee them any hope for smooth sailing. The almost across the board apposition to their civilian nuclear deal with the US manipulators, that in fine print, gave an immense opening to the hegemonical USA to infiltrate India and take over its freedom to exist as an independent nation, with its own identity, its own foreign policy, its own economic priorities, its own ideas on war and peace, does have broader support from its Asian neighbours like Russia and China. The defeat of the Jewish Neo-con lobby's agenda in India, in the current phase at the hands of the Communists, has strong long term implications for the people of India, who better wake up to dangers of a virtual Mahabharat in their own neighbourhood, at the behest of the evil mongers.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai
It is an extreme sign of desperation, that western media carried the drummed up warning to Putin, not to visit Iran, under threat of his own life. The whole western build up against Iran, now held up for a UN Security Council consensus on strong sanctions on Iran, is seriously threatened by Putin's visit to Russia. Though the Putin's Iran visit that follows his meeting with Germany's Chancellor Markel, does give out strong indications, that Putin is open to western suggestions to put maximum pressure on Iran as a mediator, to review its current position on its nuclear policy, Putin has its own equation with Iran, in the context of new developments in oil industry prospects of the Caspian Sea and Central Asian countries. Since Putin visit to Iran is the first since Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution, the importance of the visit virtually puts a stamp of approval and acceptance of Iranian Revolution from a world power. That is a direct challenge to western Neo-con strategies on regime change in Iran and total take over of Iran by combined forces of US and Israel. Since Putin is openly and vigorously charting its own independent positions on global issues, including world security and oil economics, it would be logical for him to keep Iran away from western influences of all kinds, be those supposed to be put in place either through economic sanctions, direct invasion or internal subversion. This then will be a big defeat of the US/Israel's Jewish neo-con agenda of world domination through the use of force. And it is doubtful if they will ever relent in their diabolic determination to proceed with their evil designs world-wide. Since they thrive on such grandiose conspiracies, their list of targeted victims would include increasing number of countries that are defying their hegemonical plans. Russia, China as well as India, all will be next on their list for subversion, right after Iran. So in a way, Iran is the best place to mount the last stand against Jewish neo-cons' international conspiracies.
India's Brahminical global strategists are teaming up with the Jewish neo-cons, to build up their own dreams of joining the western great game. Unfortunately or fortunately the 3% Brahmins and their highly exclusivist positioning in a multi-culturist India, does not guarantee them any hope for smooth sailing. The almost across the board apposition to their civilian nuclear deal with the US manipulators, that in fine print, gave an immense opening to the hegemonical USA to infiltrate India and take over its freedom to exist as an independent nation, with its own identity, its own foreign policy, its own economic priorities, its own ideas on war and peace, does have broader support from its Asian neighbours like Russia and China. The defeat of the Jewish Neo-con lobby's agenda in India, in the current phase at the hands of the Communists, has strong long term implications for the people of India, who better wake up to dangers of a virtual Mahabharat in their own neighbourhood, at the behest of the evil mongers.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai
Friday, October 12, 2007
5:53:51 AM
It Sehri time all over India, and Muslim are just finishing with the morning prayers. But somewhere in the city of Vadodara (Baroda) in Narendra Modi’s Gujarat, Muslims are systematically hunted down for being Muslims.
From a reliable source, this is an account of police brutality unleashed on peaceful Muslims in a land, known world over, for its genocidal attack on Muslims:
Today in late night there was minor riot broke out in old city ofVadodara. Police restored the situation very fast but after it was allcalm and peaceful suddenly police entered ‘ajpura ni pole’, a Muslimdominated area with lathi in hand; first they targeted auto rickshawand two wheelers parked out side on road; then entered the houses and broke television and furniture and other household equipments.
They used abusive language with lady members of the house. Police did not spare ladies; threatened them and even beat them. Police is not allowing local electronic media to enter to shoot. Mr. Amin Baig and Habib Bhatiyara are the victim of this (police brutality). Residents of this chawl are poor cooks, auto rickshaw drivers and loose labors.
Now the FIR IS REGISTERED AND EID FESTIVAL IS ON HEAD. How Muslims will survive when police do riots.
Mr. Shafi 09374088811 can be contacted for more detail.
A systematic police crackdown on Muslims all over India seems to be the order of the day. None of these innocent people are in anyway connected with the local or international politics in any direct manner. But the fact that they are Muslims are enough for the communal politicians to factor them in their diabolic strategies to demonise them, attack them, terrorize them and earn laurels from their constituencies over their essentially coward acts of organised terror. Muslim battering is the quickest route to consolidate their vote banks.
Let the world know, how world’s so-called largest democracy feeds on hapless Muslim victims gore and blood to aspire to become a world power.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai
Friday, October 12, 2007
5:53:51 AM
It Sehri time all over India, and Muslim are just finishing with the morning prayers. But somewhere in the city of Vadodara (Baroda) in Narendra Modi’s Gujarat, Muslims are systematically hunted down for being Muslims.
From a reliable source, this is an account of police brutality unleashed on peaceful Muslims in a land, known world over, for its genocidal attack on Muslims:
Today in late night there was minor riot broke out in old city ofVadodara. Police restored the situation very fast but after it was allcalm and peaceful suddenly police entered ‘ajpura ni pole’, a Muslimdominated area with lathi in hand; first they targeted auto rickshawand two wheelers parked out side on road; then entered the houses and broke television and furniture and other household equipments.
They used abusive language with lady members of the house. Police did not spare ladies; threatened them and even beat them. Police is not allowing local electronic media to enter to shoot. Mr. Amin Baig and Habib Bhatiyara are the victim of this (police brutality). Residents of this chawl are poor cooks, auto rickshaw drivers and loose labors.
Now the FIR IS REGISTERED AND EID FESTIVAL IS ON HEAD. How Muslims will survive when police do riots.
Mr. Shafi 09374088811 can be contacted for more detail.
A systematic police crackdown on Muslims all over India seems to be the order of the day. None of these innocent people are in anyway connected with the local or international politics in any direct manner. But the fact that they are Muslims are enough for the communal politicians to factor them in their diabolic strategies to demonise them, attack them, terrorize them and earn laurels from their constituencies over their essentially coward acts of organised terror. Muslim battering is the quickest route to consolidate their vote banks.
Let the world know, how world’s so-called largest democracy feeds on hapless Muslim victims gore and blood to aspire to become a world power.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Bald lies by Narendra Modi
Like a classic Hitlerian and Goebellian propagandist, Gujarat's Chief Minister can repeat his lies hundreds of time, with a remarkable straight face, without any sign of remorse or self-doubt disfiguring his pat smirk. He repeated his performance in a TIMES NOW TV interview with Arnab Goswamy, when he challenged Arnab to show any footage he may have to prove that he had indulged in Muslim bashing. One hopes TIMES NOW takes up the challenge and telecasts all Modi's fiery speeches against Muslims.
On the eve of Gujarat assembly election, come December, Modi is under strong pressure to conduct a non-communal election campaign. There is an imminent danger that if any communal moves from Modi's party are noted, Election Commission may reject the very credential of the BJP to participate in the election. The process of awareness had progressed during last UP and Maharashtra election, where the usual communal propaganda through distribution of special CD's demonising Muslims or the strident anti-Muslim and anti-Islamic speeches by Shiv Sena supremo were cited as the ground for the rejection of the political parties' registration to fight the election, on the basis of parties' communal campaign. It is doubtful if any repeat of communal riots now could save the parties from the charge of communal campaigning.
Whatever precautions undertaken by Modi to strongly push his new found secular credentials, the people cannot forget how in an orgy of violence, with open encouragement from BJP's ministers to state law and order machinery, the Godhra incident was exploited by public declaration to teach Muslim a lesson when an illegal Gujarat Bandh was declared by the Sangh Parivar and goons went around all over the state attacking Muslim properties, murdering innocent old people, women and children and torching whole Muslim localities.
Fleeing Muslims were cornered on strategic road points and burned alive. Women were raped and then torched. Muslim businesses were looted by Hindu/Dalit mobs, with even middle class hoodlums joining the orgy of loot and arson.
Like Nero fiddling while Rome burned, Narendra Modi was very much there at the helm of affairs, while the genocidal attacks were unleashed on hapless Muslim minority and he has the audacity to deny that he has never ever indulged in Muslim bashing. Over 2000 were officially declared as dead while hundreds of thousands were uprooted from their homes and properties and are still leading miserable existence in refugee camps.
He declares in the interview that he does not believe in divisions of minority or majority, but quick to add that he is not ready to compromise on any minoritism. Minoritism in his parlance is the appeasement of Muslim minority. It is his own devised definition what constitutes minority appeasement and by that definition, Muslim cannot aspire to live in India, except as third class citizens. Any equal rights if they demand, is tantamount to their appeasement. This convoluted logic may fool those that can force it on others through violence. This logic of fictitious appeasement of Muslim is a myth and a contrived device to attack Muslims and force them to live their lives at the mercy of the upper caste Hindus.
The whole world had condemned Modi's Gujarat and he himself was denied visa to visit the US as a man of terror, fully responsible for state sponsored Muslim genocide.
While Modi is proud of the fact that during his term, FDI has virtually flooded Gujarat, Modi has not yet realized that all the American investment coming to his state is subject to US laws. Once a concerted attempt is made by Indian community in the US, to force all American firms to boycott Gujarat over its hate crimes and genocidal records, Gujarat may suffer the same fate as the apartheid regime of South Africa. It is only a matter of time when justice will come knocking on his doors. He cannot get away with so much blood on his hands.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai
Bald lies by Narendra Modi
Like a classic Hitlerian and Goebellian propagandist, Gujarat's Chief Minister can repeat his lies hundreds of time, with a remarkable straight face, without any sign of remorse or self-doubt disfiguring his pat smirk. He repeated his performance in a TIMES NOW TV interview with Arnab Goswamy, when he challenged Arnab to show any footage he may have to prove that he had indulged in Muslim bashing. One hopes TIMES NOW takes up the challenge and telecasts all Modi's fiery speeches against Muslims.
On the eve of Gujarat assembly election, come December, Modi is under strong pressure to conduct a non-communal election campaign. There is an imminent danger that if any communal moves from Modi's party are noted, Election Commission may reject the very credential of the BJP to participate in the election. The process of awareness had progressed during last UP and Maharashtra election, where the usual communal propaganda through distribution of special CD's demonising Muslims or the strident anti-Muslim and anti-Islamic speeches by Shiv Sena supremo were cited as the ground for the rejection of the political parties' registration to fight the election, on the basis of parties' communal campaign. It is doubtful if any repeat of communal riots now could save the parties from the charge of communal campaigning.
Whatever precautions undertaken by Modi to strongly push his new found secular credentials, the people cannot forget how in an orgy of violence, with open encouragement from BJP's ministers to state law and order machinery, the Godhra incident was exploited by public declaration to teach Muslim a lesson when an illegal Gujarat Bandh was declared by the Sangh Parivar and goons went around all over the state attacking Muslim properties, murdering innocent old people, women and children and torching whole Muslim localities.
Fleeing Muslims were cornered on strategic road points and burned alive. Women were raped and then torched. Muslim businesses were looted by Hindu/Dalit mobs, with even middle class hoodlums joining the orgy of loot and arson.
Like Nero fiddling while Rome burned, Narendra Modi was very much there at the helm of affairs, while the genocidal attacks were unleashed on hapless Muslim minority and he has the audacity to deny that he has never ever indulged in Muslim bashing. Over 2000 were officially declared as dead while hundreds of thousands were uprooted from their homes and properties and are still leading miserable existence in refugee camps.
He declares in the interview that he does not believe in divisions of minority or majority, but quick to add that he is not ready to compromise on any minoritism. Minoritism in his parlance is the appeasement of Muslim minority. It is his own devised definition what constitutes minority appeasement and by that definition, Muslim cannot aspire to live in India, except as third class citizens. Any equal rights if they demand, is tantamount to their appeasement. This convoluted logic may fool those that can force it on others through violence. This logic of fictitious appeasement of Muslim is a myth and a contrived device to attack Muslims and force them to live their lives at the mercy of the upper caste Hindus.
The whole world had condemned Modi's Gujarat and he himself was denied visa to visit the US as a man of terror, fully responsible for state sponsored Muslim genocide.
While Modi is proud of the fact that during his term, FDI has virtually flooded Gujarat, Modi has not yet realized that all the American investment coming to his state is subject to US laws. Once a concerted attempt is made by Indian community in the US, to force all American firms to boycott Gujarat over its hate crimes and genocidal records, Gujarat may suffer the same fate as the apartheid regime of South Africa. It is only a matter of time when justice will come knocking on his doors. He cannot get away with so much blood on his hands.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai