Sunday, January 04, 2009
Israeli democracy and Muslim blood - By Ghulam Muhammed

Sunday, January 04, 2009
In an extensive commentary on the main news on the hour at BBC, James Zogby of Arab-American Institute, openly proclaimed how Israel's bloody wars either in the north and now in the south, is inextricably related to Israel's election and the fight between the main political grouping, each trying to out do the other in first spreading the 'fear psychosis' through demonising of Palestinian enemy, and then unleashing war on Palestinians and/or other neighbours, to garner votes in their supposedly democratic elections.
Zogby narrates how Israel, after getting thorough drubbing in south Lebanon at the hands of Hezbollah fighters, was all for immediate cease- fire, but Clintonwanted Peres to lose and so Peres did lose. Clinton told this to Zogby a few days after the cession of hostilities, as Zogby narrated on the BBC main news.
The other fact that is relevant to expose the lie about Hamas breaking the truce, is the Israeli news that it had been preparing for war since past six month as probably it was preparing for elections at the same time.
The connection between Israel's elections and the wanton aggression against hapless Palestinians, as well as the perfidious role of American administration in the whole genocidal war inflicted on Palestinians, should not be overlooked by the world, if it has to find solution to the crisis.
Another critic of US role in the Israel/Palestinian fight unto death kind of scenario, is none other than a former American Jewish Secretary of State, Zbignew Berzezenski, who blamed President Bush for the eight years of neglect that has further deteriorated the dire situation in the occupied area. The both pathological enemies, showing off their macho, can never comes to term with each other, unless a third impartial power can impose a peace between the antagonists. And for the stalemate of last year, President Bush has to be blamed.
Berzezenski was being interviewed at NBC's 'Morning Joe' program anchored by Joe Scarborough, who was appalled at Berzezenski's castigating of Bush. He said, it was Arafat who walked out of the Clinton held peace deal. Berzezenski virtually exploded on this statement and accused Joe of 'stunningly superficial' knowledge of what had happened. Berzezenski, said it is embarrassing for him to listen to Joe on a subject, when he was so ill-informed. He said, the negotiations were never closed. Since the deal has lots of points that needed negotiation and consultations with other Arab countries, the negotiation went on into January when Clinton was to leave office in favour of Bush by Jan.20, 2000. Then Sharon came into office and the whole negotiations were put on the freezer.
Joe Scarborough had never had suffered such public rebuke and sarcastically thanked Berzezenski, for teaching something new to him, to America and to the whole world, as Berzezenski's statement contradicted what New York Times and Washington Post had held all along.
Joe Scarborough's citing of New York Times and Washington Times, as the basis for his information onClinton peace negotiations shows how much American media is being manipulated by these two Jewish owned American media. They can get away distorting the truth, even though all the facts are in the public domain.
The exchange can be watched at
The whole affair puts two of the most coveted USpolicies into serious doubt. One: its idea of enforced democracy and second its war on terrorism.
In the case of Hamas, which had won a popular mandate in free elections, US and Israel's non-acceptation of people's verdict is the most audacious and atrocious way of dealing with international legalities. They did not like the Hamas victory, so conveniently declared Hamas as terrorist and there you have your scenario for another war on terrorism episode ready to cater to America's hideous designs on other people's rights of freedom to choose their own government.
BBC should be lauded for telecasting another piece of US criminality in a documentary, which exposed how Bush and Cheney had used 9/11 and the war on terror to make huge war profits through proxy support to US corporate giants like Halliburton and KBR, who robbed US taxpayers billions of dollars just by manipulating bills for providing lunches to the solders and transporting empty trucks across dangerous war zones, to tally up fake bills, while the US drivers' lives are at stake in such sorties.
The bills were audited by fake auditors without any qualifications for oversight duties. The people who raised objections were demoted and sidelined. If all details as exposed in BBC documentary – 23 billions – are to be believed ( and why should BBC not be believed, as UK is itself part of the evil axis), both Bush and Cheney were nothing but a bunch of crooks that fooled American people. While law-abiding Americans fought dangerous wars as a mark of patriotism and risked their lives, these blood suckers remain cocooned in air-conditioned offices and had laughed all the way to banks.
One hopes Obama had the guts to clean American politics and set right all the wrongs that these crooks have inflicted on the world. He must start with being most careful with the Clinton team, who themselves are ruthless in carrying out their own brand of illegal legalities. Obama must start with Israel, especially now that the same Jewish crooks are hard-pressed to seek bailouts from Obama administration. Obama can drive a hard bargain, so that world could be rid of these sleazy creatures of the dark.
The blood of Muslims dying in Iraq, Afghanistan and Gaza will remain due on these two criminals till divine justice gets to them in any number of ways that one can imagine; unless they repent and acknowledge their guilt and participate in reforming of the US mess, created by them under the spell of the evil conspiracies of the Jewish neo-cons.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai