Monday, September 15, 2008
It is the old egg and chicken dilemma -

Monday, September 15, 2008
It is the old egg and chicken dilemma
RE: Jerusalem Post report – ‘India seeks IDF help in Kashmir conflict’
Whether India opted for Israel Defense Force connections first or the turmoil in Kashmir was organised to give a reason / cover for the Israelis to step in.
Indian government is getting some international exposure as to how the US and Israel manage conflicts. Will Indian people go for the genocidal carnage of its civilian population on foreign agenda? How can a democratic nation allow a foreign army to attack its territory in the name of war on terror? How does India now differ from Pakistan, which has seen its territory bombed from across the border --- on the pretext of war on terror? Is this 'war on terror' - a convenient red-herring to invade other countries, with or without the nation's government's knowledge / permission?
At another plane, It is quite possible that having lost Georgia as staging ground to attack Iran, US/Israel are planning to use Indian territory to attack it neighbouring country.
Indian people should be alert to such international conspiracies that will make their lives hell.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai
India seeks IDF help in Kashmir conflict
Sep. 14, 2008
OC Ground Forces Command Maj.-Gen. Avi Mizrahi paid an unscheduled visit to the disputed state of Kashmir last week to get an up-close look at the challenges the Indian military faces in its fight against Islamic insurgents.
Mizrahi was in India for three days of meetings with the country's military brass and to discuss a plan the IDF is drafting for Israeli commandos to train Indian counter-terror forces.
Under the proposed agreement, the IDF would send highly-trained commandos to train Indian soldiers in counter terror tactics, urban warfare and fighting in guerrilla settings.
Mizrahi's visit to Kashmir was reportedly kept secret at the time since India feared it could spark violence in the disputed state; it was subsequently reported widely in the Indian and Pakistani press.
Media reports said Mizrahi spent several hours at the Akhnoor Military Base in Kashmir where he gave a lecture to senior officers on counterterror operations.
India is the largest importer of arms from Israel and since 2002 has bought more than $5 billion worth of equipment.
While Mizrahi's visit did not spark violence it did upset Kashmir nationalists. The Israel's Counter-Terrorism Bureau has recommended that Israelis refrain from visiting Kashmir.
Farooq Ahmad Dar, a senior leader of the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front, told an Indian Qeb site the visit was "part of plan under which India intends to suppress the ongoing intifada movement in Kashmir by dint of power, and change Kashmir's demography."
On Friday, tens of thousands of Muslims participated in pro-independence rallies across Indian Kashmir, leading to scattered clashes with government forces that left at least two protesters dead and dozens wounded.
Separatist leaders have warned Indian authorities that the situation could spiral out of control if they "use force to break peaceful protests."
More than two months of angry protests, some of the biggest anti-India demonstrations in two decades, have left at least 43 people dead in Indian-controlled Kashmir, most of them killed when soldiers opened fire on Muslim protesters.
Anti-India sentiment runs deep in Kashmir, India's only Muslim-majority state, where most people favor independence from mainly Hindu India, or a merger with Pakistan.
Kashmir has been divided between India and Pakistan since 1947, when the two countries fought their first war over the region in the aftermath of Britain's partition of the subcontinent. Both countries continue to claim all of Kashmir.
Separatist movements in Indian-controlled Kashmir remained peaceful until 1989, when Islamic insurgents took up arms.
An estimated 68,000 people have been killed in the fighting.
AP contributed to this report.
Comments posted on Daniel Pipes's article: Must Counterinsurgency Wars Fail?

Comments posted on Daniel Pipes's article: Must Counterinsurgency Wars Fail?
Hammer and nailsReader comment on article: Must Counterinsurgency Wars Fail?
Submitted by Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai (India), Sep 14, 2008 at 12:31
It would not be widely off the mark, if a generalization is made that when it comes to Israel and Daniel Pipes, all problems appear as nails to be fixed with a hammer. Why these worthies are not prepared to waste time, on the question as to why insurgencies arise. If the reason for insurgencies are addressed with an spirit of give and take, it is quite possible that we will not need the august services of people like Yaakov Amidror and years of shedding of human blood on both side.
My study of American objectives in practically all theaters of wars and insurgencies are noble and ennobling, with eventually working for a joint constructive goal. However, there are elements within their midst, who cannot breath without spitting fire. This is mainly a character flaw that has to be properly analyzed and worked on. The Bush doctrine of you are with us or against us, is the most infantile fall back to gross immaturity that should have been overcome with passage of time and exposure to world realities. However, with such infantile immaturities go some special economic interest groups, who cannot survive without a dose of blood and gore. Still it will be worth its while if a thinker like Prof. Daniel Pipes devote some time with studies in peace initiatives and work towards saving human lives all over the world.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai

Monday, September 15, 2008
Press Statement
In successive meetings held in New York, Dubai, Washington, Chicago, and Houston in the US—Dubai in UAE—and Allahabad, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengalaru, Lucknow, Varanasi, Agra, Patna, Bhopal, Indore, Tonk, Raipur, Dibrugarh, New Delhi and Ranchi in India—by organizations such as Hindu Sanatan Dharma Parishad, Tehrik-e-Hind and the `Committee for revival of the ethos of 1857' (CR-1857)—Indians from all walks of life—students, political activists, doctors, engineers and artistes and academicians—condemned the recent bomb blasts in Delhi. At least five bombs exploded in quick succession in crowded markets and streets in the heart of India's capital New Delhi on Saturday, killing more than 18 people and injuring scores more; these killings of innocent people follow closely the havoc wreaked by recent Ahmedabad and Bangalore blasts.
The members of these organizations appealed for national unity and peace and urged for a speedy investigation which can bring the culprits of the Delhi Blasts to book. The said members, however, questioned the neutrality of the Security forces in using the name of Indian Mujahideen and SIMI, as the `appointed', culprits, to victimize the Muslims in India. The said members accused Indian authorities of not probing and investigating the Bajrang Dal-RSS-VHP or the Ken Haywood angle in the Delhi blasts.
Speaking from the USA, Mr. Amaresh Misra, General Secretary of Hindu Sanatan Dharma Parishad, said that Mr. Haywood from whose IP address the `Indian Mujahideen' terror e-mail was sent before the Ahmedabad blasts, left the country from IGI Airport in August, without informing the police and the ATS, in a Jet Airways flight. Mr. Misra added that Haywood came back to India on 10th September 2008—just two days before the Delhi blasts! The ATS seems to have given him a clean chit!
Mr. Misra said that ignoring Ken Haywood and Bajrang Dal type forces and targeting Muslims is against the religious ethos of Sanatan Dharma. Mr. Misra informed the Press that Swami Swarupanand, the Shankaracharya of Badrinath and Dwarika, has explicitly asked the Central Government to desist from harassing ordinary Muslims, and investigate the RSS-Bajrang Dal and the Ken Haywood angle.
Mr. Misra also said that there seems to be a nexus between right-wing forces in America and India. Mr. Misra pointed towards the timing of the Delhi blasts—he said that apart from the fact that Ken Haywood arrived in India two days before the blasts, Indian general elections are around the corner—the BJP, the front electoral organization of RSS-Bajrang Dal-VHP combine, has been pushed to the third place—the fight at present is between two more or less secular fronts—the Congress led UPA and the Mayawati-Left Front. Mr. Misra said that this seemed to have riled the BJP—the BJP's hand was suspected in the Ahmedabad Blasts as well and its role in facilitating Delhi blasts to garner Hindu votes and divide the polity cannot be ignored. Mr. Misra urged all true Sanatani Hindus to stand firm against any anti-Muslim propaganda as the RSS-Bajrang Dal-VHP combine and the BJP are keen to divide India—they are organizing blasts and putting the blame on Muslims so that Indian Muslims—who have so far not been associated with International Terrorism—are also dragged into the International image of the `Muslim Terrorist'.
Mr. Misra said that all true Hindus ought to see this as a conspiracy against the very idea of India as a diverse, secular nation—Mr. Misra said that if things continue like this, all patriotic Hindus and Muslims of India will get-together and hit the streets to start a non-cooperation movement against Fascist Terror, Muslim Persecution and anti-national conspiracies.
Speaking in New York Mr. Shahid Ali Khan, the Vice-President of Tehrik-e-Hind said that his organization is committed to Hindu-Muslim unity and the Ganga-Yamuni Tehzeeb of India; Mr. Shahid further added every terrorist found guilty ought to be hanged; but this can be done only if the security agencies stop harassing innocent Muslims and stop stereotyping an entire community for something in which people like Ken Haywood and Bajrang Dal—whose members were found making bombs in Nanded in Maharashtra and Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh—are equal suspects.
Mr. Shahid also explicitly condemned the arrest of Mr. Abdur Rashid Agwan, a prominent social activist and founder of Universal Knowledge Trust in Rajasthan—Mr. Shahid said that this was an attack not just on a Muslim but a patriotic citizen of India—the police has no evidence against Mr. Agwan—the communal forces in the Indian security forces want now to scare prominent Muslim social activists from performing any relief work for their community and Indians as a whole.
Mr. Shahid also condemned the coming to India of an Israeli General to Kashmir on the invitation of the Government of India. Mr. Shahid said that such moves are meant to extend to India the inhuman policies of the Government of Israel which is recognized the world over as the number 1 terrorist State.
Speaking from Dubai, Mr. Arif Durrani—President of CR-1857—said that his organization makes sure that Hindus and Muslims of the Indian sub-continent remain united in face of threats from foreign powers like the USA and Israel. Mr. Durrani said that Hindus and Muslims fought together in 1857 and they have to come together in this hour of crisis. Mr. Arif said that thousands of Hindus and Muslims living in Dubai have condemned the blasts—but they too want an impartial enquiry and an investigation into the Muslim persecution and the possible role of RSS-BJP-VHP combine in the blasts.
Mr. Shahid Askari, the UP convener of Tehrik-e-Hind, Mr. Khalid, the co-convener of Tehrik-e-Hind. Mr. Uttam Sharma, the President of Hindu Sanatan Dharma Parishad, Mr. Lal Mohan Tyagi, Mr. RP Tripathi, Mr. Shashi Yadav, Mr. PP Solanki, Mr. DS Ram, Mr. Atul Gupta, Mr. KK Srivastava, Mr. Bhairon Singh Ahilwal and countless leaders and members of the Hindu Sanatan Dharma Parishad also demanded a probe in the Ken Haywood and the RSS-VHP-Bajrang Dal-BJP angle in the Delhi bomb blasts.