Monday, September 15, 2008
Comments posted on Daniel Pipes's article: Must Counterinsurgency Wars Fail?

Comments posted on Daniel Pipes's article: Must Counterinsurgency Wars Fail?
Hammer and nailsReader comment on article: Must Counterinsurgency Wars Fail?
Submitted by Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai (India), Sep 14, 2008 at 12:31
It would not be widely off the mark, if a generalization is made that when it comes to Israel and Daniel Pipes, all problems appear as nails to be fixed with a hammer. Why these worthies are not prepared to waste time, on the question as to why insurgencies arise. If the reason for insurgencies are addressed with an spirit of give and take, it is quite possible that we will not need the august services of people like Yaakov Amidror and years of shedding of human blood on both side.
My study of American objectives in practically all theaters of wars and insurgencies are noble and ennobling, with eventually working for a joint constructive goal. However, there are elements within their midst, who cannot breath without spitting fire. This is mainly a character flaw that has to be properly analyzed and worked on. The Bush doctrine of you are with us or against us, is the most infantile fall back to gross immaturity that should have been overcome with passage of time and exposure to world realities. However, with such infantile immaturities go some special economic interest groups, who cannot survive without a dose of blood and gore. Still it will be worth its while if a thinker like Prof. Daniel Pipes devote some time with studies in peace initiatives and work towards saving human lives all over the world.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai