Friday, April 15, 2005
Thursday, April 14, 2005
On the subject of Iran and its nuclear ambitions, another American Jewish ‘intellectual’, Michael Eisenstadt, is quite candid, when he writes:
“The Iranian nuclear program is not unique to the current Islamist regime. Iran's nuclear program predates the Islamic Republic. It commenced under Shah Mohamed Reza Shah Pehalvi, the ruler overthrown in the revolution of 1978-79 that brought Ayatollah Khomeini to power. There is a strong nationalist strain on both the left and right of Iranian politics that sees membership of the nuclear club as proper to Iran's place in the world. In short, Iranian nuclear ambitions are not regime-dependent. An array of geo-political factors would probably push a successor regime in the same direction, although it would probably be easier to manage the implications of proliferation if the country was headed by a more democratic regime.”
(Iran's nuclear ambitions & U.S. options -A briefing by Michael Eisenstadt - Summary posted on April 11, 2005 -
It is not difficult to make out that the American Jewish Neo-Cons are resigned to concede Iranian the right to be armed with a nuclear shield; it being a natural big power in the Middle East, given its history, the size of the country, its population and its oil resources; the strategic position it holds at the center of some historical fault lines in the Middle East.
After his Crawford Ranch visit to Bush, even Ariel Sharon appears to be a bit chastised, when CNN interviewer asked him if, Israel plans to attack Iran, the way it unilaterally attacked Iraq’s nuclear weapons facilities back in 1981.
Sharon did not dare appear belligerent on US soil after the blunt dressing he got over his continuing building of new settlement in occupied land.
Sharon replied, it is not Israel’s sole lookout to ensure the security of the region, Europe and the US. That is a big comedown for a pumped up pumpkin.
The operative phrase in Eisenstadt presentation at Middle East Forum, is the concession, US is prepared to give to a ‘democratic regime’.
It needs no elaboration to read between the lines, that the definition of democracy and democratic regime is to be unilaterally decided and judged only by the US super-power.
Even if Iran’s present government is democratically elected; as long as it is not under the US thumb, like the old US lackey, the deposed Shah, it cannot be a democratic government.
US want its own stooges running the show, to judge the country if it is ‘responsible’ enough to be worthy of possessing nuclear bombs.
A case in point is that of Pakistan. US is prepared to overlook anything and everything, as long as Pakistan is in the grip of leaders, who know who is the ultimate boss.
Ariel Sharon was pointedly asked by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, why Israel is against Iran over the nuclear bomb, when it has bombs of its own. Blitzer contended, if Israel has to right to develop and possess nuclear weapons; on what ground Iran should be denied its own right to self-defense?
Sharon responded, for the first time on an American TV interview, in way, that left no doubt that Israel does possess nuclear bombs;----- as he said, Israel has declared, it will never be the first to use the device in any conflict.
The second argument advanced by Sharon was more self-serving when he made out that Israel is a responsible country, (while understandably, Iran is not).
One would like to fall back on the world opinion about Israel, when even a recent EU poll concluded that 73% of the Europeans polled, held Israel to be the most dangerous country in the world. That much for Israel’s responsible credentials!
Besides, US hegemony is not just overlordship for exploitation of victimized nations resources. It is more sinister, as it aggressively works to impoverish the third world nations, so that they may never have sufficient wherewithal to pose any armed threat to the US and its interest. US and Israel could not stomach, Saddam exploiting his national wealth to arm Iraq in a way, so as to defy US overlordship. He and his nation were to be stripped of all the wealth, so that US can rule over it, as a benevolent benefactor, dolling out survival funding.
Those innocent souls working for banishing poverty from the world are, in fact, working against the overwhelming policy bottom line of the US exploiters, who are actively working to impoverish the whole world, so that they can ‘peacefully’ enjoy their war booty. They can feel safe only when the world is pauperized.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai
On the subject of Iran and its nuclear ambitions, another American Jewish ‘intellectual’, Michael Eisenstadt, is quite candid, when he writes:
“The Iranian nuclear program is not unique to the current Islamist regime. Iran's nuclear program predates the Islamic Republic. It commenced under Shah Mohamed Reza Shah Pehalvi, the ruler overthrown in the revolution of 1978-79 that brought Ayatollah Khomeini to power. There is a strong nationalist strain on both the left and right of Iranian politics that sees membership of the nuclear club as proper to Iran's place in the world. In short, Iranian nuclear ambitions are not regime-dependent. An array of geo-political factors would probably push a successor regime in the same direction, although it would probably be easier to manage the implications of proliferation if the country was headed by a more democratic regime.”
(Iran's nuclear ambitions & U.S. options -A briefing by Michael Eisenstadt - Summary posted on April 11, 2005 -
It is not difficult to make out that the American Jewish Neo-Cons are resigned to concede Iranian the right to be armed with a nuclear shield; it being a natural big power in the Middle East, given its history, the size of the country, its population and its oil resources; the strategic position it holds at the center of some historical fault lines in the Middle East.
After his Crawford Ranch visit to Bush, even Ariel Sharon appears to be a bit chastised, when CNN interviewer asked him if, Israel plans to attack Iran, the way it unilaterally attacked Iraq’s nuclear weapons facilities back in 1981.
Sharon did not dare appear belligerent on US soil after the blunt dressing he got over his continuing building of new settlement in occupied land.
Sharon replied, it is not Israel’s sole lookout to ensure the security of the region, Europe and the US. That is a big comedown for a pumped up pumpkin.
The operative phrase in Eisenstadt presentation at Middle East Forum, is the concession, US is prepared to give to a ‘democratic regime’.
It needs no elaboration to read between the lines, that the definition of democracy and democratic regime is to be unilaterally decided and judged only by the US super-power.
Even if Iran’s present government is democratically elected; as long as it is not under the US thumb, like the old US lackey, the deposed Shah, it cannot be a democratic government.
US want its own stooges running the show, to judge the country if it is ‘responsible’ enough to be worthy of possessing nuclear bombs.
A case in point is that of Pakistan. US is prepared to overlook anything and everything, as long as Pakistan is in the grip of leaders, who know who is the ultimate boss.
Ariel Sharon was pointedly asked by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, why Israel is against Iran over the nuclear bomb, when it has bombs of its own. Blitzer contended, if Israel has to right to develop and possess nuclear weapons; on what ground Iran should be denied its own right to self-defense?
Sharon responded, for the first time on an American TV interview, in way, that left no doubt that Israel does possess nuclear bombs;----- as he said, Israel has declared, it will never be the first to use the device in any conflict.
The second argument advanced by Sharon was more self-serving when he made out that Israel is a responsible country, (while understandably, Iran is not).
One would like to fall back on the world opinion about Israel, when even a recent EU poll concluded that 73% of the Europeans polled, held Israel to be the most dangerous country in the world. That much for Israel’s responsible credentials!
Besides, US hegemony is not just overlordship for exploitation of victimized nations resources. It is more sinister, as it aggressively works to impoverish the third world nations, so that they may never have sufficient wherewithal to pose any armed threat to the US and its interest. US and Israel could not stomach, Saddam exploiting his national wealth to arm Iraq in a way, so as to defy US overlordship. He and his nation were to be stripped of all the wealth, so that US can rule over it, as a benevolent benefactor, dolling out survival funding.
Those innocent souls working for banishing poverty from the world are, in fact, working against the overwhelming policy bottom line of the US exploiters, who are actively working to impoverish the whole world, so that they can ‘peacefully’ enjoy their war booty. They can feel safe only when the world is pauperized.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai