Thursday, September 20, 2007
Saturday, September 01, 2007
The Times of India has splashed the news in top headlines, on the front-page: “US wanted India to carry out N-test before China”.
India’s prime newspaper seems to suggest that the US has been India’s benefactor and well-wisher even in 1960’s, when one US State Department official George McGhee wrote a Memo dated September 31, 1961 to the then US Secretary of State, Dean Rusk, recommending help to India acquire nuclear bombs.
Times of India’s attempt to picture the US as India’s unabiding friend is deeply flawed for the following reasons:
1. For every such memo, there might be other similar memos, by other officials in the same US State Department, warning against arming India for reasons fairly known to the world at the time. So merely digging out a memo and splashing the news on front page is not going to fool Indian people, about any ‘natural’ bonds between India and the US, as Vajpayee had openly declared. This is all a routine think tank exercise, by vested interest groups and it should not hoodwink our evaluation of how the US will play out its future option with India’s nuclear capabilities.
The reason cited by the McGhee Memo, is directly related to the US geopolitical need to counter China, which the US had decided to be in the very vanguard of communist take over of the world. There was nothing special about India’s defence needs that would have made a difference to the US policies on Non-proliferation. It was strictly a US need-based policy option.
2. By collaborating with the US, India would have gone under US protection racket, from as early as 60’s, which Pandit Nehru, as a freedom fighter, could hardly have acquiesced in, even in the face of India/China confrontation. It would seem, that Nehru was more vary of the neo-imperialists, from whose stranglehold India had only recently achieved hard-earned freedom, to be forced into the building of any ‘strategic partnership’ with the same tormentors.
3. If the US, for whatever reason of its own, was keeping an option for India to go nuclear, why it later went ahead and imposed sanctions against India for so long. India paid the price for its freedom, nuclear option, being just one part of it.
The problem with the people like Manmohan Singh and even Sonia Gandhi as well as Vajpayee and Advani, is that they do not have the same kind of commitment to India’s freedom, as the earlier generation, which shed blood and sweat and mounted a historic struggle to get India free from the yoke of western colonization. Perks of high office have come easy to these ‘leaders’ and their hunger for power and pelf prevents them from taking a far-sighted view of where US-Israeli subversion of Indian nation will lead to.
In the new globalized world, with US-Israel sitting on our head, we will lose the freedom to choose our friends in the wider world community. We will have to abide by the US-Israeli list of enemies/friends ---- (Remember Bush doctrine: you are with us or against us). India’s freedom to choose who and when and to what degree its friendship or distancing with other sovereign nations is of uppermost deciding factor in evaluating Indo-US ‘strategic partnership’.
This is a singular test of India’s freedom and sovereignty.
The US is notorious in hiring media, both international and local, besides other lobbies, to instigate and influence public opinion to suit its own vested interest. All options are floated as life or death options.
It is in this context, that The Times of India, Indian Express, and other mainstream Newspapers’ are bending backwards to back US agenda and to demonise the communists, who in fact, are offering the kind of constructive opposition today in India that is not always expected of them.
Even though the Brahmin equation at the top of all 3 major political groupings is working overtime to thresh out a common consensus on US-Israeli moves on India, if Indian communism surmounts the Brahmanism, which is openly making common cause with the Zionist New world order, India still has a chance to emerge as a free nation.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai