Tuesday, June 03, 2008

By Ghulam Muhammed on June 1st, 2008 9:00 am
I am surprised that Sudie feels Brahmins are so innocent that if they are named in any context, an injustice is being committed. He should read literature by Dalits and Dravidians, with open mind to know how strongly they have suffered injustices meted out by the racist Brahmins. Muslims have suffered at their hands, especially during the partition. Partition was cleverly imposed on Muslims, both by the British to carve out a ‘military outpost’ for themselves, by exploiting Jinnah’s ego as well as his loyalty to Aga Khan, who were old loyalists of the Crown and were very judiciously used by the British whenever they needed them. The Brahmins in Indian National Congress were represented by Pandit Nehru, who with Gandhi and Patel, agreed to partition India, with a sinister conspiracy to rid India of Muslims. Brahmins, themselves migrants to India, made out as if all Muslims, and overwhelming majority of them in united India, were not from outside but were and are the real sons of the soil. The whole community that formed about 30 percent in British India was divided in three antagonist groups, by Nehru and Indira, both Brahmins. In sixty years of Indian independence, Muslims have been so devilishly persecuted for the alleged sin of partition, that they had no confidence left to challenge the false propaganda of the power grabbers. In United India, one can see that Muslim population percentage with a democratic constitution, would have been ruling the whole subcontinent. I can go on and on, listing the sins of Brahmins and Brahminical conspiracies. The trouble with Sudie is that he cannot see his back. There is no smoke without the fire. If Brahmins are clearly pointed out as the culprits in the plight of the Muslims, one can see how all Brahminical political groups — Congress, BJP, Communists — all led by Brahmins are blatantly perpetrating crimes against Muslims and still hide behind the pious garb of secularism. A day will come, when the 3% Brahmins will not be able to concoct and flaunt the 85% Hindus as majorities. And for their atrocities on OBC, Dalits and Muslims, they will be singled out and ostracised in the same manner as they have ostracised others.
Sudie on June 1st, 2008 12:02 am
I somehow see a lot of anger against the “Brahmins”. I wonder what these refering are to. Is it claiming that “Brahmins” get special privileges in India?; if its so I would surely like to find out where. Or is it that Brahmin have an additional edge in the education system. In a system that judges peple just by marks and not by overall personality, I must say that in comparison to the US , India is much more democratic. At least in the US one can show ones family influence to get into the Ivy league universities. No such opportunity exists in the elite Indian institutions.
Too much time is spend finding scapegoats - whether its the “Muslims” or the “Brahmins”. Effort would be better spend to ensure that the classes who clamour for priviledges can perform as well as the so called “forward” caste students. Needless to mention - a frustrated soul more often than not seeks invisible enemies that introspects the flaws within.
Labels: Brahmins original immigrants, British conspiracy in division of India and creation of Division of Muslims of Indian subcontinent in 3 groups, Gandhi, Jinnah, Muslims, Pandit Nehru, Patel