Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday, July 17, 2008
The political turmoil rocking India around the debate on Indo-US civilian nuclear deal, 123 and Hyde Act and the very survival of current coalition government, has suddenly brought out the actual or presumed role of Indian Muslims in general and Muslim voters in particular, in view of the imminent Parliamentary elections, as the main bone of contention between secular and supposedly non-secular forces.
Reviews after reviews, lining up of Muslim voices, editorials and daily bytes on TV channels, does through up a dilemma for Indian Muslims, if this is for the real. However, the national debate around the participation of Muslims as tilting the balance on one side or other, is the result of changing times and the acute polarization within the non-Muslim majority that had publicly marginalized and thrown the 150 million Muslims of India to the dust bin of Indian history and is now forced to court the Muslims as it is apparent they do have a major role to play both, by their verdict on any extension of relations with the US and Israel and by their mass voting potential, as and when the next Parliamentary Elections are held, on their appointed time or even at an earlier date, if Congress and its motley allies, purchased through horse trading, loses its majority in the trust vote in Lok Sabha.
US and Israeli aggression against 'Muslims' supported by widely propaganda in Jewish controlled western media and American leadership, demonizing as the very incarnation of the devil, had ensured that Indian Muslims like all fair-minded world communities, have developed a hatred for the US foreign policies in general and the Bush regime in particular.
In Indian context, Indian Muslims have to decide if they respond with that deep ingrained hatred of the US and Israel, or be lured by the goodies promised by the Indo-US civilian nuclear deal. It is a common human trait that hatred works more intensely than love or greed. For those, who are hell bent wasting their time and energy in convincing Indian Muslims, that Indo-US deal is in the interest of the country, are oblivious of the fact that for the community to even consider any interaction with the US and Israel, that hatred had to first be addressed. As it is, Muslims who have been reduced to the bottom of the economic barrel, and go with the poorest of the poor in the country, are convinced that all the so-called progress of the new liberalization and investment driven economic boom, will hardly benefit them. On the contrary they all, the Muslims and others from the poor level of economy, have been hit tremendously hard by the ever increasing inflation, most disproportionately affecting their survival existence.
Muslims have observed how their lowly properties in Nandigram had been expropriated by the CPIM government of West Bengal, without any fair returns to them in any successful venture on their expropriated properties, now being handed over in SEZ to foreign and local industrialists. While real estate prices are skyrocketing, Muslims in Nandigram and Singhur SEZ had been unceremoniously deprived in the share of windfall profits accruing to their expropriated holdings.
Though it must be said, that it was a Marxist politburo member, MK Pandhe, who was the first to warn Samajwadi Party, about the risk of SP losing Muslim vote, if its opportunistically joins Congress in a Muslim hated strategic relationship with the US, that will perpetually bind the nation to a colonized existence. However, other realists soon caught up to the potential of Muslim votes deserting the much celebrated 'secular' coalition of political parties that is so disdainful of their most deeply felt hatred against the Muslim demonisers in the US and Israel.
Congress has now hit back on the ganging up of CPIM, the supposedly secular and BJP, the communal Hindutva extremists in one opposition group, apparently joining hands to pull down Congress led UPA coalition government. Muslims should not be hoodwinked by this Congress ploy. As Prakash Karat of CPIM has amply clarified how Congress has been in cahoots with the BJP in pulling down various 'secular' governments in the past --- that of Charan Singh, V.P. Singh, Dev Gowda and I. K. Gujral, why should it cry wolf, when the shoe is now on the other foot. In fact, non-Hindutva group is voting not in favour of Hindutva, but against the pseudo-secularist Congress, that had always sold Muslims short.
A new role for Muslims as citizens and as voters is being thrust upon them, and it is an opportunity for them to divide their tormentors and assume a leadership role, at least in giving true nationalist direction to India's future where the Brahminical conspiracies will be exposed, where all victimized communities will get justice, where the robber barons are forced to abide by the laws of the land and shun corruption and pay back to the nation their ill-gotten wealth, where foreign forces are never allowed to subjugate India once again to be able to suck the blood of the poor and shed the blood of our Jawans.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai
Labels: Lok Sabha elections, Muslim vote bank, Muslims form 15% of India's population, political empowerment strategies for Indian Muslims, Stakes for Indian Muslims in Indo-US civilian nuclear deal