Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Rashtriya Sahara, Urdu Daily, Mumbai
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Front Page News
Central Intelligence Agencies vigilant investigating in the aftermath of Malegaon blast; Enquiry being held into the February 2007 visit of prominent Israeli religious delegation and meetings with Hindutvadi Sadhu, Sanths and political leaders; Mossad infiltration a cause of deep concern for Intelligence officials
New Delhi, November 25: (Agencies) – According to an exposé in a national daily published from Madhya Pradesh and several other cities, in the aftermath of the arrests of Sadhu, Sadhvi, and other extremist Hindutvadis as involved in the Malegaon bomb blast, Intelligence agencies are now concentrating on foreign connections of the radical Hindutvadis.
In an special report published by the national daily, it has exposed this sensational news that in central intelligence agencies are to be believed, extremist Hindutvadis have got support and motivation from Israeli secret agency, Mossad's operations against the Arab and Muslim countries in the past.
The newspaper writes that relations between Mossad and CIA are world known. Report mentions that intelligence agencies are worried about the infiltration of Mossad and CIA in the country. According to undisclosed sources, Indian intelligence agencies are now examining the full details of the visit of Israel's religious leaders to India and their meetings withSadhu, Sanths. Intelligence agencies are investigating all those Hindu and Muslim leaders that the Israeli religious delegation had met.
According to the newspaper, it was during the rule of BJP's Atul Behari Vajpayee; a beginning was made for the visits of Hindutvadis, and especially Sadhus anddharam gurus of the Sangh Parivar to Israel. These visits have been on the increase. It was during Vajpayee's time, that the visits to Israel and consequently the relations and contacts of Sangh Parivar Dharam gurus and Hindutva leaders with Israelincreased manifold.
According to the newspaper, for last ten years, the central intelligence agencies have been closely studying and analyzing the growing strength of Hindutvadi and Sangh Parivar organisations and the increasing violence through these organisations against Muslims, Christians, and minorities in Gujarat,Orissa, Karnataka and other states. Intelligence agencies have disclosed that the visits of Jews and Israeli rabbis was not very frequent in the past, but it has increased to worrisome proportions, during last few years. Of all, the most studied is the February 2007 visit to Delhi of the delegation of Israeli Jewish religious leaders. The delegation was headed byIsrael's Chief Rabbi, Yonah Metzger.
In this delegation, Jewish religious leaders from Israelas well as others rabbis from Belgium and Spain too were included. In India, the Israel Jewish religious delegation met important Hindutva leaders, which included especially the RSS Chief K. S. Sudharshan, President of VHP, Ashok Singhal, VHP leader Vishnu Hari Dalmia.
After the meeting of the Sadhu Sanths and Jewish leaders, both delegations had issued a common manifesto.
In this meeting, Jewish Rabbis expressed grave concern over the details of the terrorist attacks allegedly carried out by Muslims, as narrated by Hindu dharam gurus. Secret Service sources disclosed that at the invitation of Israeli Jewish religious leaders, a delegation of Hindutva leaders had visited Israel this year. In this, some leaders of Sangh Parivar too were included.
The national daily, published from Madhya Pradesh and other places, in its report has exposed that the officials of the national intelligence agencies have categorically stated that American secret service agency, CIA together with Israel's secret organisation Mossad, has carried out several secret operation all over Asia.
And now that the bomb blast of Malegaon and Modasa had involved the names of the fake Shankaracharya Amaranand alias Dayanand Pande, Sadhvi Pragya Thakur, enquiries and investigation of relations between Jewish and Hindutva religious leaders from Israel and India are being severely felt and is being analyzed. This was disclosed by the newspaper report.
(Translation from Urdu)
Rashtriya Sahara, Urdu Daily, Mumbai
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Front Page News
Why investigation of Israeli connection of Hindutvadis?
New Delhi, November 25: The way ATS has arrested Hindutva extremists belonging to Sangh Parivar, in connection with Malegaon bomb blast, facts have emerged of international networking and support to Hindutva radicals. This has alarmed national intelligence community. India's internal and external intelligence agencies and RAW have got busy trying to figure out if there is some big international conspiracy is being hatched behind the activities of hardline extremists of Sangh Parivar. According to secret sources, back in February 2007, an Israeli delegation headed by Israel's Chief Rabbi, Yonah Metzger, and accompanied by several high ranking Jewish religious leaders, had visited India. This Jewish Religious delegation held meetings with many Sadhus, Sanths and Dharam gurus. The delegation also met some Muslim leaders. Now intelligence agencies have started investigations of the meetings of the Israeli delegation and local Sadhus, Sanths and dharam gurus. It is mentioned that the delegation of Israeli Jewish religious leaders has met leaders and dharam gurus from RSS, Sangh Parivar, VHP and BJP. Lal Krishna Advani had arranged a dinner for the visiting Israeli Jewish religious leaders' delegation and others included in the delegation, at his own residence. According to high official, though the meeting of Sangh Parivar's leaders to Israeli delegation is not of undue importance, but the way America's secret service, CIA and Israel's secret agency, Mossad, are infiltrating in Central Asian and South Asian countries, it is giving strength to the suspicions that in such delegations, members of foreign intelligence get included and through interaction and infiltration, secret operations are carried out. Those organisations that organise and support such visits and meetings, may or may not be aware of the secret mission of foreign agencies, the truth can come out only on investigations. For this reason, the national agencies are now concentrating on investigation of Sangh Parivar and its connections with Israeli lobby and Mossad.
(Translated from Urdu)
if you're not a troll then you are doing the real criminals a great service.
There are good and bad in all races.
As regards the perpetrators of terrorist actions sometimes they are caused by little people with some religious or poloitical fanatical objective. Often they are caused by Big people (States) with cynical geo-poolitical objectives, sometimes using small teams of dupes who have their own sub-agendas [maybe in this case kill Harkare to send a message never to investigate Hindu false-flag terrorist extremism] which nest in the bigger picture agendas of the Powerful [maybe in this case 'War on/OF Terror' CIA/Mossad destabilisation of Pakistan/Muslim world now that new Pakistan government doesn't take orders so smoothly from CIA; also weakening and eventual dismemberment of the allies of Russia/China.]
The finding of credit cards is a big weird thing; the bothering to kill people in a hospital is clearly designed to cause max outrage; the real or merely alleged targetting of US and UK citizens could also be pointer. The finding of the speedboats (why 3 for ten men???) could be massive redherring???
Maybe it IS 'Islamic'-fanatic terrorism, with or probably without Pakistani state collusion??
Maybe it is CIA-Mossad-RSS/Sangh Parwar co-operation??
If we can't keep a genuinely open mind and look at everyt next fact or theory without wanting X to be true or fearing that Y might be true, etc, then we should quit impaertial political investigation and stay home to dream up novels.
To be sure hatred and prejudice against any ethnic group can only destabilise our minds and throw us off the scent.
Peace to all beings.
Keith Mothersson, All Faiths for 9/11 Truth
This is because ISI said nothing about the 6mtr deep x 20mtr across hole in the ground at the Islamabad Marriott Hotel - 20Sept, which only a micro nuke can do under the constraints of the operational circumstances.
That is to say, it would have taken a digging operation to place 2tons of military grade high explosive 6mtrs down as placing it on a truck tray results in a crater of about 0.5mtr deep and 3mtr across largely on account of the 1mtr air gap between truck tray and road surface.
Additionally the truck was laden with bricks ! Where then do you put 2tons of HE ? In the cabin ?!
Do bricks enhance blast damage ? No, the blast would have been considerably absorbed.
So, as the ISI said nothing about it i thought it was them facilitating Mossad in the underground placement of a coffee-mug sized device in a gas, water and sewerage utilities tunnel - there had to be this tunnel.
I should say here that micro-nukes can only be made in USrael.
And so i concluded that ISI would also be Mossad's cat's paw in Mumbai.
But on this last point i may have been wrong.
I would like to thank Ghulam Muhammed for his blog.
Said tongue in cheek, right, as i recall that the expression, `By way of deception thou shalt make war` originates with your friends ?
War is terrorism in disguise is it not ?
A current example of this is in Hebron where `settlers` were burning out and stoning a Palestinian home to the quiet approval of hundreds of Jews standing around and offering suggestions.
Neither the IDF nor the police were anywhere in evidence, showing that the State of Israel, meaning Mossad, was in accord with the `settlers`.
Venki,please read if you have time and are interested knowing the truth "By Way of Deception"by Victor Ostrosky(an ex-officer with Mossad) and Claire Hoy( a Canadian journalist).
9/11 was a vital compotent of neo-cons agenda.Bush,his brother and cousin, and CIA, which goes without saying,were involved in the controlled demolition of WTC.
Since media is controlled by same thugs objective,impartial reporting of any event is not possible.Saddam's WMD stories must be fresh in our memories.
But it is infinitely more productive to think very hard on how can a 6mtr deep x 20mtr wide hole appear on the foreground of the Islamabad Marriott Hotel on 20 Sep 08.
The news, or is it noise, insisted that it was two suicide bombers riding a truck bomb - they were holding hands, right ? - who did it.
But no truck bomb - no matter the TONNAGE - can do any such thing. Period.
Because this was not investigated, loudly, by the Pakistan govt who would have understood immediately the nature of the device 6mtrs beneath the road surface, then the perpetrators, Israel, were encouraged to do Mumbai.
investigations will be difficult without the meticulous testimony of indian passers.
It would be very interesting to define the identities of U.S. and European before, during and after Mumbai attacks, Indian police will be able to clarify how meticulous was the methode of the Mossad nebula and their partners who believe that they can bluff and fool asian nations.
Finaly India must participate militarily in the Gulf of Aden along with China to see the reality of Zionist piracy bluff to justify their presence in the territorial waters which they don't have any reason to occupy.
where are all these billions of dollars looted by Zionists to world global banks and New York exchanges ?
It would be very interesting to define the identities of U.S. and European before, during and after Mumbai attacks, Indian police will be able to clarify how meticulous was the methode of the Mossad nebula and their partners who believe that they can bluff and fool asian nations.
Finaly India must participate militarily in the Gulf of Aden along with China to see the reality of Zionist piracy bluff to justify their presence in the territorial waters which they don't have any reason to occupy.
Mossad captured more than 90 muslim soldiers in cachemire, they killed 40 and brought them to Mumbay as proof for attacks, while their jewish terrorists left mumbay as tourists, very clever the zionists
Cab some one answer to this question please:
where are all these billions of dollars looted by Zionists to world global banks and New York exchanges ?
4:37 AM
In answer to this question, the looting is a thousand times worse than mere billions.
It is trillions, and they have all been parked in Israel from where no information comes out about anything.
These stolen trillions will be used to buy up, in a depressed economy, for next to nothing income generating assets.
In this way the ownership of America will silently be transferred to Zionist Jews using legalised counterfeit money, which is what these trillions really are.
The US central bank, called the Federal Reserve, which was created illegally in 1913 has the usurped authority to create new money out of nothing and to charge interest on it.
The creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 is the root of today's financial problems in America and the world.
Why do you allow it, as no one really would want to continue to respond to the Original Post if that stays on ?
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