Wednesday, December 31, 2008
How India, an upcoming superpower, should respond to Israel’s genocidal air attack on Gaza?
Not long ago, Indian people were surprised to read in the morning newspaper, how Indian Navy had travelled across the vast expanse of Indian Ocean and tackled a country dhow belonging to Somalia’s hostage-taking pirates. It was made out that India is only carrying out its international obligation, after being co-opted at the top table of world’s leading nations in G-7 plus and G-20. Indian people was not taken into confidence, if they have any opinion on sending our naval ‘war’ destroyers to distance shore, when our own coast proved to be so porous as to be used by terrorists to mount their terror attack on Mumbai, by approaching the city from the sea.
Now it will appear, that instead of the Western axis demanding India to act on their behalf, India’s own people are making demands on their nation to rise up and try and stop the genocidal aerial attacks on undefended Gaza strip, against which Israel has declared open war. Muslim organisations in Mumbai have openly demanded that India should break all diplomatic relations with Israel and people are asked to boycott all Israeli goods and services. This is a demand coming from India’s own citizenry. This, therefore, is a test, if India is more attuned to the dictats of foreign powers than to the demands of its own people. This is a test of India’s freedom, sovereignty and unalloyed commitment to justice and fair-play. India should, not only raise its voices in all international fora, but in practical terms send its naval vessels to break the siege that Israel has illegally imposed on Gaza. Let India’s naval vessel engage themselves in humanitarian relief work, by breaking the Israeli blockade and providing relief to the 1.5 million Palestinians, who are practically being starved to death. Israel is defying all UN demands and even blockading UN relief to pass to the beleaguered people of Gaza, that are hemmed in by Israel and Egypt – a nominal Arab country, fully in control by a US puppet and carrying out the Zionist agenda like an unthinking robot. The world is not blind to the visit of Israel’s glamorous Tzipi Livni unleashing her charms on Hasni Mubarak and getting away with an anti-Arab and anti-Muslim conspiracy, before Israel began its murderous air attacks on innocent civilians. Sixty five US planes were used for 3.5 minute sorties to kill over 300 civilians and injure thousands. As Ron Paul rightly said, it is US money and US planes that props Israel.
In calling on Indian Prime Minister, to show India’s own free moves in comparison with that of a US stooge like Egypt’s Hasni Mubarak, the nation wants an assertion that India is still a free country and not sold to the West.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai
# posted by Unknown @ 8:42 PM