Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Six Jewish Companies Own 96% of the World’s Media

Six Jewish Companies Own 96% of the World’s Media
The power of lies, deceptions and disinformation as Americans pay the price of collective stupidity.
“You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us? We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can’t criticize Israel…”
Facts of Jewish Media Control
Electronic News & Entertainment Media
The largest media conglomerate today is Walt Disney Company, whose chairman and CEO, Michael Eisner, is a Jew. The Disney Empire, headed by a man described by one media analyst as a “control freak”, includes several television production companies (Walt Disney Television, Touchstone Television, Buena Vista Television), its own cable network with 14 million subscribers, and two video production companies. As for feature films, the Walt Disney Picture Group, headed by Joe Roth (also a Jew), includes Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, and Caravan Pictures. Disney also owns Miramax Films, run by the Weinstein brothers. When the Disney Company was run by the Gentile Disney family prior to its takeover by Eisner in 1984, it epitomized wholesome, family entertainment. While it still holds the rights to Snow White, under Eisner, the company has expanded into the production of graphic sex and violence. In addition, it has 225 affiliated stations in the United States and is part owner of several European TV companies. ABC’s cable subsidiary, ESPN, is headed by president and CEO Steven Bornstein, a Jew. This corporation also has a controlling share of Lifetime Television and the Arts & Entertainment Network cable companies. ABC Radio Network owns eleven AM and ten FM stations, again in major cities such as New York, Washington, Los Angeles, and has over 3,400 affiliates. Although primarily a telecommunications company, Capital Cities/ABC earned over $1 billion in publishing in 1994. It owns seven daily newspapers, Fairchild Publications, Chilton Publications, and the Diversified Publishing Group. Time Warner, Inc, is the second of the international media leviathans. The chairman of the board and CEO, Gerald Levin, is a Jew. Time Warner’s subsidiary HBO is the country’s largest pay-TV cable network. Warner Music is by far the world’s largest record company, with 50 labels, the biggest of which is Warner Brothers Records, headed by Danny Goldberg. Stuart Hersch is president of Warnervision, Warner Music’s video production unit. Goldberg and Hersch are Jews. Warner Music was an early promoter of “gangsta rap.” Through its involvement with Interscope Records, it helped popularize a genre whose graphic lyrics explicitly urge Blacks to commit acts of violence against Whites. In addition to cable and music, Time Warner is heavily involved in the production of feature films (Warner Brothers Studio) and publishing. Time Warner’s publishing division (editor-in-chief Norman Pearlstine, a Jew) is the largest magazine publisher in the country (Time, Sports Illustrated, People, Fortune). When Ted Turner, a Gentile, made a bid to buy CBS in 1985, there was panic in media boardrooms across the nation. Turner made a fortune in advertising and then had built a successful cable-TV news network, CNN. Although Turner employed a number of Jews in key executive positions in CNN and had never taken public positions contrary to Jewish interests, he is a man with a large ego and a strong personality and was regarded by Chairman William Paley (real name Palinsky, a Jew) and the other Jews at CBS as uncontrollable: a loose cannon who might at some time in the future turn against them. Furthermore, Jewish newsman Daniel Schorr, who had worked for Turner, publicly charged that his former boss held a personal dislike for Jews. To block Turner’s bid, CBS executives invited billionaire Jewish theater, hotel, insurance, and cigarette magnate Laurence Tisch to launch a “friendly” takeover of the company, and from 1986 till 1995 Tisch was the chairman and CEO of CBS, removing any threat of non-Jewish influence there. Subsequent efforts by Turner to acquire a major network have been obstructed by Levin’s Time Warner, which owns nearly 20 percent of CBS stock and has veto power over major deals. Viacom, Inc, headed by Sumner Redstone (born Murray Rothstein), a Jew, is the third largest megamedia corporation in the country, with revenues of over $10 billion a year. Viacom, which produces and distributes TV programs for the three largest networks, owns 12 television stations and 12 radio stations. It produces feature films through Paramount Pictures, headed by Jewess Sherry Lansing. Its publishing division includes Prentice Hall, Simon & Schuster, and Pocket Books. It distributes videos through over 4,000 Blockbuster stores. Viacom’s chief claim to fame, however, is as the world’s largest provider of cable programming, through its Showtime, MTV, Nickelodeon, and other networks. Since 1989, MTV and Nickelodeon have acquired larger and larger shares of the younger television audience. With the top three, and by far the largest, media companies in the hand of Jews, it is difficult to believe that such an overwhelming degree of control came about without a deliberate, concerted effort on their part. What about the other big media companies? Number four on the list is Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, which owns Fox Television and 20th Century Fox Films. Murdoch is a Gentile, but Peter Chermin, who heads Murdoch’s film studio and also oversees his TV production, is a Jew. Number five is the Japanese Sony Corporation, whose U.S. subsidiary, Sony Corporation of America, is run by Michael Schulhof, a Jew. Alan Levine, another Jew, heads the Sony Pictures division. Most of the television and movie production companies that are not owned by the largest corporations are also controlled by Jews. For example, New World Entertainment, proclaimed by one media analyst as “the premiere independent TV program producer in the United States,” is owned by Ronald Perelman, a Jew. The best known of the smaller media companies, Dreamworks SKG, is a strictly kosher affair. Dream Works was formed in 1994 amid great media hype by recording industry mogul David Geffen, former Disney Pictures chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg, and film director Steven Spielberg, all three of whom are Jews. The company produces movies, animated films, television programs, and recorded music. Two other large production companies, MCA and Universal Pictures, are both owned by Seagram Company, Ltd. The president and CEO of Seagram, the liquor giant, is Edgar Bronfman Jr., who is also president of the World Jewish Congress. It is well known that Jews have controlled the production and distribution of films since the inception of the movie industry in the early decades of the 20th century. This is still the case today. Films produced by just the five largest motion picture companies mentioned above-Disney, Warner Brothers, Sony, Paramount (Viacom), and Universal (Seagram)-accounted for 74 per cent of the total box-office receipts for the first eight months of 1995. The big three in television network broadcasting used to be ABC, CBS, and NBC. With the consolidation of the media empires, these three are no longer independent entities. While they were independent, however, each was controlled by a Jew since its inception: ABC by Leonard Goldenson, CBS first by William Paley and then by Lawrence Tisch, and NBC first by David Sarnoff and then by his son Robert. Over periods of several decades, these networks were staffed from top to bottom with Jews, and the essential Jewishness of network television did not change when the networks were absorbed by other corporations. The Jewish presence in television news remains particularly strong. As noted, ABC is part of Eisner’s Disney Company, and the executive producers of ABC’s news programs are all Jews: Victor Neufeld (20-20), Bob Reichbloom (Good Morning America), and Rick Kaplan (World News Tonight). CBS was recently purchased by Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Nevertheless, the man appointed by Lawrence Tisch, Eric Ober, remains president of CBS News, and Ober is a Jew. At NBC, now owned by General Electric, NBC News president Andrew Lack is a Jew, as are executive producers Jeff Zucker (Today), Jeff Gralnick (NBC Nightly News), and Neal Shapiro (Dateline). The Print Media After television news, daily newspapers are the most influential information medium in America. Sixty million of them are sold (and presumably read) each day. These millions are divided among some 1,500 different publications. One might conclude that the sheer number of different newspapers across America would provide a safeguard against Jewish control and distortion. However, this is not the case. There is less independence, less competition, and much less representation of our interests than a casual observer would think. The days when most cities and even towns had several independently owned newspapers published by local people with close ties to the community are gone. Today, most “local” newspapers are owned by a rather small number of large companies controlled by executives who live and work hundreds or ever thousands of miles away. The fact is that only about 25 per cent of the country’s 1,500 papers are independently owned; the rest belong to multi-newspaper chains. Only a handful are large enough to maintain independent reporting staffs outside their own communities; the rest depend on these few for all of their national and international news. The Newhouse empire of Jewish brothers Samuel and Donald Newhouse provides an example of more than the lack of real competition among America’s daily newspapers: it also illustrates the insatiable appetite Jews have shown for all the organs of opinion control on which they could fasten their grip. The Newhouses own 26 daily newspapers, including several large and important ones, such as the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the Newark Star-Ledger, and the New Orleans Times-Picayune; the nation’s largest trade book publishing conglomerate, Random House, with all its subsidiaries; Newhouse Broadcasting, consisting of 12 television broadcasting stations and 87 cable-TV systems, including some of the country’s largest cable networks; the Sunday supplement Parade, with a circulation of more than 22 million copies per week; some two dozen major magazines, including the New Yorker, Vogue, Madmoiselle, Glamour, Vanity Fair, Bride’s, Gentlemen’s Quarterly, Self, House & Garden, and all the other magazines of the wholly owned Conde Nast group. This Jewish media empire was founded by the late Samuel Newhouse, an immigrant from Russia. The gobbling up of so many newspapers by the Newhouse family was in large degree made possible by the fact that newspapers are not supported by their subscribers, but by their advertisers. It is advertising revenue–not the small change collected from a newspaper’s readers–that largely pays the editor’s salary and yields the owner’s profit. Whenever the large advertisers in a city choose to favor one newspaper over another with their business, the favored newspaper will flourish while its competitor dies. Since the beginning of the 20th century, when Jewish mercantile power in America became a dominant economic force, there has been a steady rise in the number of American newspapers in Jewish hands, accompanied by a steady decline in the number of competing Gentile newspapers–primarily as a result of selective advertising policies by Jewish merchants. Furthermore, even those newspapers still under Gentile ownership and management are so thoroughly dependent upon Jewish advertising revenue that their editorial and news reporting policies are largely constrained by Jewish likes and dislikes. It holds true in the newspaper business as elsewhere that he who pays the piper calls the tune.
Three Jewish Newspapers
The suppression of competition and the establishment of local monopolies on the dissemination of news and opinion have characterized the rise of Jewish control over America’s newspapers. The resulting ability of the Jews to use the press as an unopposed instrument of Jewish policy could hardly be better illustrated than by the examples of the nation’s three most prestigious and influential newspapers: the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post. These three, dominating America’s financial and political capitals, are the newspapers which set the trends and the guidelines for nearly all the others. They are the ones which decide what is news and what isn’t, at the national and international levels. They originate the news; the others merely copy it, and all three newspapers are in Jewish hands. The New York Times was founded in 1851 by two Gentiles, Henry Raymond and George Jones. After their deaths, it was purchased in 1896 from Jones’s estate by a wealthy Jewish publisher, Adolph Ochs. His great-grandson, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr., is the paper’s current publisher and CEO. The executive editor is Max Frankel, and the managing editor is Joseph Lelyveld. Both of the latter are also Jews. The Sulzberger family also owns, through the New York Times Co., 33 other newspapers, including the Boston Globe; twelve magazines, including McCall’s and Family Circle with circulations of more than 5 million each; seven radio and TV broadcasting stations; a cable-TV system; and three book publishing companies. The New York Times News Service transmits news stories, features, and photographs from the New York Times by wire to 506 other newspapers, news agencies, and magazines. Of similar national importance is the Washington Post, which, by establishing its “leaks” throughout government agencies in Washington, has an inside track on news involving the Federal government. The Washington Post, like the New York Times, had a non-Jewish origin. It was established in 1877 by Stilson Hutchins, purchased from him in 1905 by John McLean, and later inherited by Edward McLean. In June 1933, however, at the height of the Great Depression, the newspaper was forced into bankruptcy. It was purchased at a bankruptcy auction by Eugene Meyer, a Jewish financier. The Washington Post is now run by Katherine Meyer Graham, Eugene Meyer’s daughter. She is the principal stockholder and the board chairman of the Washington Post Co. In 1979, she appointed her son Donald publisher of the paper. He now also holds the posts of president and CEO of the Washington Post Co. The Washington Post Co. has a number of other media holdings in newspapers, television, and magazines, most notably the nation’s number-two weekly newsmagazine, Newsweek. The Wall Street Journal, which sells 1.8 million copies each weekday, is the nation’s largest-circulation daily newspaper. It is owned by Dow Jones & Company, Inc., a New York corporation which also publishes 24 other daily newspapers and the weekly financial tabloid Barron’s, among other things. The chairman and CEO of Dow Jones is Peter Kann, who is a Jew. Kann also holds the posts of chairman and publisher of the Wall Street Journal. Most of New York’s other major newspapers are in no better hands than the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. The New York Daily News is owned by Jewish real-estate developer Mortimer B. Zuckerman. The Village Voice is the personal property of Leonard Stern, the billionaire Jewish owner of the Hartz Mountain pet supply firm.
Other Mass Media
The story is pretty much the same for other media as it is for television, radio, and newspapers. Consider, for example, newsmagazines. There are only three of any note published in the United States: Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News and World Report. Time, with a weekly circulation of 4.1 million, is published by a susidiary of Time Warner Communications. The CEO of Time Warner Communications, as mentioned above, is Gerald Levin, a Jew. Newsweek, as mentioned above, is published by the Washington Post Company, under the Jewess Katherine Meyer Graham. Its weekly circulation is 3.2 million. U.S. News & World Report, with a weekly circulation of 2.3 million, is owned and published by Mortimer Zuckerman, a Jew. Zuckerman also owns the Atlantic Monthly and New York’s tabloid newspaper, the Daily News, which is the sixth-largest paper in the country. Among the giant book-publishing conglomerates, the situation is also Jewish. Three of the six largest book publishers in the U.S., according to Publisher’s Weekly, are owned or controlled by Jews. The three are first-place Random House (with its many subsidiaries, including Crown Publishing Group), third-place Simon & Schuster, and sixth-place Time Warner Trade Group (including Warner Books and Little, Brown). Another publisher of special significance is Western Publishing. Although it ranks only 13th in size among all U.S. publishers, it ranks first among publishers of children’s books, with more than 50 percent of the market. Its chairman and CEO is Richard Snyder, a Jew, who just replaced Richard Bernstein, also a Jew.
The Effect of Jewish Control of the Media
These are the facts of Jewish media control in America. Anyone willing to spend several hours in a large library can verify their accuracy. I hope that these facts are disturbing to you, to say the least. Should any minority be allowed to wield such awesome power? Certainly, not and allowing a people with beliefs such as expressed in the Talmud, to determine what we get to read or watch in effect gives this small minority the power to mold our minds to suit their own Talmudic interests, interests which as we have demonstrated are diametrically opposed to the interests of our people. By permitting the Jews to control our news and entertainment media, we are doing more than merely giving them a decisive influence on our political system and virtual control of our government; we also are giving them control of the minds and souls of our children, whose attitudes and ideas are shaped more by Jewish television and Jewish films than by their parents, their schools, or any other influence.
Additional Research:
The Protocols Of Zion - A one page summary
Zionist, Jewish Hollywood’s Brainwashing Of America
No One Talks About Israel’s Spying On America!
“Release Madoff or Risk War”, Israel Warns US
Is Geo TV (Jew Tv) a CNN affiliate or is it the psy-ops wing of the CIA?
Video: The Arrivals Series (Compiled)
The International Jew - by Henry Ford
Who are the Israelites & Jews and Who is their real Target
The Tribe That Controls America
The ‘Jewish Question’ Now A Global Issue
Israeli Spokesman Says We Control Stupid Americans
The Mossad’s Infiltration Of America
“We, The Jewish People, Control America”
Video: How American News Media Works In Favor Of Israel
Lights, Camera… Covert Action: The Deep Politics of Hollywood
Reprint: Some Things You Need to Know before the World Ends
A Message To The World On The Obama Inauguration
Tags: ABC, America, Buena Vista Television, Caravan Pictures, CBS, deceptions,disinformation, Eisner, FM stations, Fox Tv, HBO, Hollywood, Jew, Jewish, Jewish Media Control, Jewish Newspapers, Lies, Media, Miramax Films, NBC, New York Times, Sony Corporation, Time Warner, Touchstone Television, United States, USA, Wall Street Journal, Walt Disney, Walt Disney Television, Washington Post, Zionist
Revolution is the Solution!!!
many blogs seemed to have now succumbed to the influence of the Zionists.
Stating any facts about Israel which the Zionists do not approve of results in posts being deleted, or the usual screeching of ‘anti-semite’.
I fear soon we will all be locked up if we do not swear obedience to Israel.
anon, you have pointed to a high possibility of Pakalert being stifled under this or that “anti-hate” policy that, we all know, is only selectively applied. of the millions of islamophobe pages on the web not a single one has been taken down.
One correction. Rupert Murdoch is Jewish, as his mother Elisabeth Joy Greene, was Jewish.
Some people also have firm (and total) control of the world economy.
Tom Dennen, March, 2009.
On average, every forty-six years, for the last three hundred years, there has been a commodity peak in the world’s stock markets, followed by a crash, followed by a depression (and the theft of a generation’s wealth.)
(The statement is paraphrased from “The Great Reckoning” by James Dale Davidson and William Rees-Mogg, Sidgwick & Jackson published, yes, in 1993).
Theft is my interpretation of their observation of these last six events because once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is a Declaration of War. Four times is the realization that the Declaration fell on deaf ears, five times is simple daylight rape and plunder – the sixth time is perhaps a lesson finally learned.:
There is a nine-year period between the commodity peak and the crash. Add forty-six years to that (the average number of years between market crashes) and you have a boom-bust cycle twice every hundred years or once a generation, meaning every generation for the last three hundred years got good and plucked:
From The Great Reckoning:
· First Time: Commodity prices peaked in London in 1711 (Long before America came into the economic picture). The South Sea Bubble burst nine years later in 1720. Depression followed.
· Second: Producer prices peaked in London in 1763. The London stock market crashed again in 1772 (nine years later). Depression followed.
· Third: Commodity prices peaked in London in 1816.The London stock market crashed in 1825 (nine years later). Depression followed.
· Fourth: Wholesale prices peaked in New York in 1864. A worldwide assets crash began in May 1873 (nine years later). Depression followed.
· Fifth: Then followed our beloved Great Depression in the 30s, about which much has been said, from which, little learned.· Sixth: Commodity prices peaked some fifty years later in Tokyo, in 1980. The Tokyo stock market peaked in 1989 (again, nine years later) and crashed in 1990. The depression following that crash is now upon us.
Is there room for a loaded question here?
Look around you and do the math: The last depression is called The Great Depression.
I call this one ‘Grand Theft Planet’ ©.
Loaded Question: Given that (our only scapegoat for this theft) Bernie Madoff will not be tried, the question, “where is the money?” will not arise and there is every possibility that the American government will reimburse his victims.
If, however, Madoff was head of just another finance company that went bust, tough on his investors – Why?
Leave it hanging.
Change is essential to the development of any thinking.
‘A new idea is first condemned as ridiculous and then dismissed as trivial, until finally, it becomes what everybody (already) knew’ – William James, brother of novelist Henry.Here then is not a new idea, but one of which you are already fully aware, so forgive any small self-indulgence – a whiff of arrogance, by chance – on my part in the presumption that you are already here with me in this observation of the obvious:
I call it my General Field Theory of Economic Behavior, for lack of anything more worthy, simply because no economic thinking that I am aware of has ever been applied to this repetitive global economic behavior (’boom-bust cycles’) in this light – all studies, observations and theses have been just that, from Smith’s “hidden hand” to the Laizer-Faire Austrians, to Keynes’ “use The Hand to fiddle with the system” – theories.
Nothing more, and certainly never applied to the real world of actual economic behavior in the marketplace where I gamble on the prices of corn, pork bellies, sorghum, potatoes, grapes, oranges and sometimes antique collectables called Credit Default Swaps.
As far as I know there have been no attempts in universities or in any other similar think tank type establishments at an understanding of the how of which in a million ways people complicate the use of money and, again which, until now, remains a field that appears to be untilled, unseeded and unharvested, yet terminally exploited once a generation has accumulated some.
Until this observation of mine opens it, hopefully, to at least some gleaning.
Economic literature is much like the literatures of psychology where ‘Freudian’ theory, ‘Existentialist phenomenological’ theory, (Neurolinguistically speaking) make people think that there is substance in the reduction of speculation to the written word.
Nothing wrong with theory, of course; so, having boarded the train, this, like any other uniform ‘theory’, my General Economic Theory has to apply to every aspect of the complications people can possibly make in the use of money.
And it has to be just as simple as E=Mc2:
And it is: Money = Food.
From Peasant to Prince: In all of history, food must be on both tables for any society to function.
Now, I could discourse at length here; go into discussions involving philosophy, politics, religion, and then argue for some time in every one of those categories and more.
But not for too long for without a good breakfast and a cuppa, dear, you will not be capable of rebuttal however unintelligently I might seem to you to argue.
Aristotle’s belief that touching was required for one object to exert a force on another object together with his ideas that a constant velocity requires that a constant force be exerted held back ideas of gravity for nearly 2000 years!
Held back?
Yup. Gravity does not ‘touch’ you, so a great philosopher’s thinking actually held back the arrival of a great truth – Newton’s theory of gravity – for two thousand years.
So: Life equals energy, which equals matter multiplied by the speed of light squared, a truth that arrived about a hundred years ago in the mind of one Mr. Albert Einstein, who also observed (since this is my opening salvo on economic reality) that “the greatest force in the universe is compound interest.”
Einstein’s theory of gravitation was completely different to Newton’s, and certainly in opposition to Aristotle’s: Rather than believing gravity to be a mysterious force that simply attracted objects towards one another he saw gravity as a warping of the shape of space and the flow of time (commonly referred to as the space-time continuum).
He described a gravitational field as a curvature of space-time caused by the mass inhabiting that continuum.
He also believed that as energy is equivalent to mass (from E = mc2) it would be possible for a gravitational field to interact with the energy of light in the same way that he saw it interacting with mass, with the result being the bending of light in strong gravitational fields all of which were relatively congruent.
One physical, abrupt, observable and applicable function of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity:
So what has held back the idea that general wealth is available with our Garden of Eden resources?
Usury, also called compound interest.
A simple idea that kept general wealth from everyone in every nation.
Money is much simpler than Relativity, but should not blow you up. What happens instead is that it gets stolen every fifty years or so – when it accumulates again – because the victim generation somehow ‘forgets’ to tell the next one about debt: the result of illegally forcing compound interest and usury on innocent civilians.
This is being written – with many comments and criticisms hopefully expected – with the idea that the next generation, the one we will not allow to suffer another Grand Theft Planet, because its population – we will no longer be here - will finally be educated and know how to hold on to its wealth.
Money equals the solar energy contained in food in one sense, but it is really just a vehicle of transaction from one state of energy to another state.
Everything else money is used for that does not walk on a direct path from the peasant farmer’s produce to the Priest / Prince who eats that farmer’s wealth, is speculation on the nature of money which, by itself, is nothing more than a temporal transactional smoothing substance equivalent to a good lubricant – and, because “you can’t take it with you” it’s essentially worthless, especially if one agrees that the most valuable thing you can own is your next breath.
Food is everything.
Carbon dioxide is the food of our food, the plants we eat absorb carbon dioxide, ‘global warming’ is just another scam to take some of your wealth in ‘carbon taxes’.
In support of this, please read what remains of Hammurabi’s Code.
And then, in the light of Hammurabi’s contribution to my theory, consider the Ten Commandments.
And then, with those two suggestions in mind, think about this: The Law we live under today is based on one, and only one, principle - embedded in Hammurabi’s Code, the Ten Commandments and in today’s harsh remnants of Roman Dutch law: it boils down to the reality of living:
“Thou shalt not interrupt the chain of commerce that brings the farmer’s produce – our collective wealth – to the prince’s table.”
That is the fundamental law of economics.
And the ‘gravity’ that makes us obey the fundamental law? Two French words: Mort (death) gage (cage).
QED.(For a very interesting reference, see Tacitus’ “The Annals of
CORRECTION: Six Jewish Companies Own 96% of all NATO countries media.
:^(Those who do not learn …… There are REASONS they have been evicted froma all countries …… The TORAH is the Jewish MEIN KAMPF. It is a HATE manual teaching “the TRIBE” to despise all NON-tribe members. If you are not “of the tribe” you are bad,
Interesting observation, George, given that Obama would now like us to dismantle the UN (not necessarily a bad idea) and give the power of global governance (law enforcement) over to NATO (not necessarily a good idea).
*The UN has been a thorn in Israel’s side with those annoying resolutions. Ignoring them is becoming tedious.
*The UN is inclusive of countries with populations of color.
*The UN gives Islamic countries a venue to point out publicly the deplorable behavior of Israel.
These things are simply not acceptable to Zionism, so the UN must go. Since the new president and administration are wholly owned subsidiaries of Tel Aviv… hello you wonderful white NATO goyim cannon fodder and your largish armories. Islam need not apply for membership.
In related news; Yesterday, Sarkozy, much to the anger of a great many French, began a full court press to rentrée France back into NATO. His handlers in Israel will be very proud of him. His electorate is not, but since when did that matter to a right wingnut ideologue?
One New World Order comin’ up, with NATO getting its marching orders from you know who.
Well. this interesting but quite accurate. We as white Americans deserve not quite new role, just recently evident status s slaves of the Jews. We were stupid enough to fall for the trick, and some of us continue, of hating black Americans who have done us no harm in all of our history. When we dupped and are eagerly follow Jewish media manipulation and local Jewish agents directing to hate black people all is well; but when that same media manipulation is aimed against us, oh how horrible are the manipulators. Hating black got us in this situation. First we hated them without reason, soley because of our own stupidity, now white people hate white people, and our women hate our guts. Hate fills the country. We started this evil mess so we clearly deserve our new staus as white slaves to the Jew. We have no one to blame but our own stupid hateful selves.
Thank you for a very well written article.
Ironically, it was Benjamin Franklin who came up with the idea of newpaper advertisements. He also did not want America to include Jews. Given the facts that they’re the main factor in the fraudulent collapse of Wall Street and they’ll likely lead us into a nuclear war AFTER the demise of communism, it’s hard to argue against his point.
It is and interesting fact that many news organizations have been losing their readership to the internet as of late and have found themselves dealing with chapter eleven issues. The movement of persons getting their news from blogs may be the answer to stop the monopolization of paper and visual media and force these companies to change their ways. My view is that as the people we must force our legislators to create legislation that has the force of law to break up monopolies especially those that operate in the interest of foreign governments. With the advent of the internet and personnel held communication devices the news dissemination by the internet clearly does not have the constraints exerted by advertisers governments domestic or foreign and restricts political propaganda by those with special interest, . It takes a long time for the general public to gain confidence in a news media but the news media seemed to have managed to undo what hundreds of years of good public service had accomplished in a very short time. As to the fact that ownership of the news is controlled by the Jewish population It is up to all of us to use the proper filter when it comes to drinking from their news fountain.
Although I agree with your premise….many of your facts are wrong.
For instance, Michael Eisner, who you describe in the first sentence of your piece is no longer CEO of Disney. Bob Igor is….and yes, he’s also a jew.
Please check your fact so you make a more effective argument.
Interscope Records, through Jerry Heller, another Jew, gave birth to ‘gansta-rap’ with the group called ‘NWA’. This type of music didn’t promote nor add to violence of blacks towards, but rather black on black crime greatly increased due to the promotion of ‘gangsta-rap’. This type of music belittled the African-American struggle in poor neighborhoods and promoted the vices that held the community at-large down. Black women were called bitches and hoes and hedonism was promoted. Thus, producing a violent over-sexed generation who had no sense of social progression. This is the fruits of the Jewish Moguls, not black on white crime. Get you facts correct! You may have studied it, but I lived it!
Thanks for the information. The Jews are controlling the minds of every one who watch TV or go to the movies.
I find your use of obese people sitting in front of a t.v. stereotypical and ignorant. Do you really think thin people are any better at critical thinking. You certainly are NOT! There is also a difference between the state of Israel having too much political influence and individual Jewish business people, all who have diverse opinions. Are all Americans responsible for Bush? Then again, stereotypes seem to be what you are best at!
Therefore when you question the validity of the gassings stories of the Holocaust, you are questioning the validity of the media which should research and prove or debunk these serious debates, and since Jews own the media, you are questioning their validity. (Which is why that’s illegal in most parts of the world.)
I wish that people who write these articles would put their lists of sources (and use very good and verifiable sources).
When I go to talk to people about this they always want to know “Where did you hear this”? and When I say from an article on such-and-such a site they ask “what sources did they get their materials”?
So, my whole conversation gets discredited. I am not sure how to find these answers except by researching each and every fact. I am sure this article is accurate, just need sources!!
[...] Pak Alert Press [...]
You’ve missed out the BBC - Jewish ethnicity dominates behind and in front of the microphone and camera.
“Interscope Records, through Jerry Heller, another Jew, gave birth to ‘gansta-rap’ with the group called ‘NWA’.” What a load of nonsense - if Dre et al could hear you say that they would piss their pants laughing. Don’t make stupid points - stick to the facts please. that branch of rap has absolutely nothing to do with Jews and would have found a markey no matter what.
Now I know why the fraud perpetrated on me by University of Toronto cannot be reported in any mass media, not a single word!
Just kidding - I knew this many years before, and I wrote about it in 2000 and I distributed 11000 leaflets on my nine months of demonstration on campus.
See it: “University of Toronto Fraud” at
with over 50 documents!
One thing I should tell you, though: Jews attack other Jews, not only Gentiles, and with even more pleasure as they do not expect that another Jew will expose them. In my case the Jewish gang was damn wrong: I am Jewish by birth, but I am giving them what they deserve.
We have a huge problem - Jewish gangsters escape punishment. Something must be done here. Of course, mass media in Jewish hands is the cause of it all.Rupert Murdoch’s mother is jewish
@Bob(March 19, 2009 at 2:56 pm ) is absolutely right, we ended up hating all potential enemies of the Jews. We hate Arabs, Russians, Serbs, Blacks,Iranians - all people who have done us no harm. There is now Jewish propaganda raging against Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales because they had guts (and decency) to break diplomatic relations ,over Gaza,with the murderous state of Israel. The saddest thing , though,is that we have permitted Jews to be go-betweens in relations with our Blacks, which has created this poisonous rascist atmosphere. Thanks Pak Alert for doing the excellent job exposing the blatant conspiracy, which our controlled corporate media do not dare.
The US laws are totaly based in the Torah. The book called by “a hate manual” is the first part of the known bible. If anyone find in the Torah (in hebrew manuscripts) that you are bad if you are not jewish, do whatever you want. If anyone else wanted to be part of the people, the requeriment was just to join!
Maybe you are using Microsoft Windows in your Dell laptop and found this website by researching in Google?
You guys are grudger because jews have such inteligence and they have owned some of the most important companies.
Perhaps would be New York anything important without Jews? And US? What would be the world without Einsten or Freud?
I’m not a jew, but I’m man enough to understand that they have made. Some people don’t.[...] Opublikował/a Marucha w dniu 2009-03-21 (sobota) Poniższy artykuł jest oparty na
2009/03/16/six-jewish- [...]companies-own-96-of-the- worlds-media/ [...] a telecommunications company, Capital Cities/ABC earned over $1 billion in publishing in 1994. Artikkelen fortsetter her: Categories : New World Order | [...]
[...] “Six Jewish Companies Own 96% of the World’s Media” - title a bit off, should be ‘American Media’ - appears to be an updating and reworking of “Who Rules America?”, from a source that some would question. Nevertheless, the conclusions are essentially correct. Not to mention amazing. As a mind experiment, say that 96% of the American media was owned by Poles, who spent all their time misleading Americans and misreporting the news in order to trick Americans into fighting wars and assisting Poland to fight wars and commit massive crimes against humanity in order to build up a Polish empire, based on a crazed idea that some Poles have based entirely on mythology and wishful thinking that Poland should control most of Europe. Do you think that kind of media control might become a political issue in the United States? The Jews so dominate the American media that they are even able to suppress talk about their dominance! [...]
Hey Everyone,
Just want to say how much I am enjoying the site.
Keep up the good work.[...] above article can be found at: six-jewish-companies-own-96-
of-the-worlds-media For more information on longstanding Jewish control over Hollywood in particular, see the excellent [...] I do not understand how you can hate on Jews so much. The people written about in this article are born Jewish but in no way observe the Jewish Faith. They are just people like the rest of us.
And as for the observant Jews, they are taught to be good and just like Christians, Muslims, Budhists, and every other religion. However, not everybody is and we cannot generalize based upon the actions of a few in high power positions.
P.S. We must give them credit for coming to the United States around 1950 after World War II and working hard to make something of themselves.
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