Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Fwd: Felicitation of Muslim MPs and Ministers

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From: MJ KHAN <>
Date: Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 6:39 PM
Subject: Felicitation of Muslim MPs and Ministers
To: "" <>

Union Government keen on Muslims welfare: Salman Khursheed


Speaking at the felicitation function organised by CMEII for Muslim Ministers and newely elected MPs at New Delhi on 9th June, 09, the union minister of minority affairs, Mr. Salman Khusheed said that he is under the prime minister's instructions to take up programs directly and through various economic ministries for speedy development of minorities, particulalry muslims, who have been left out of the mainstream educational and economic activites in the last 62 years.


He asked that when demad for reservation is raised, we must be clear on what basis and under which provision the same can be done. He said Article 341 has its social and histrocal dimensions and in OBC reservation, muslims are included but, they have not been able to access opportuntiies. He said the Prime Minster is keen for muslims economic development and on quite a few occaisions, he has expressed that adequate resources need to allocated for their speedy progress. Now it is for us, how effectvely we can translate good intentions of the Government into some concrete schemes for us.


Speaking on the occaisiion, Union Minister, Dr. Faruq Abdullah said that we have been talking about increasing our representation In Govt, but in effect this is on constant decline since 1947. The figure of 31 out of 543 MPs in 15th Lok Sabha bears testimony. He emphasised the need to collectively pursue the development agenda for muslims and suggested to form a monitoring mechanism to get us work and correct us, if we go wrong.


Mr. Sultan Ahmad, Union Minister of State spoke on the need for work in rural areas. He said education holds the key to our development and we must concentrate on the same. He said we need a national leader from our community, under whose leadership, we could move for our struggle for progress. Mr. Ahmad demanded tabling of Mishra Commission report.


Delivering his Presidential Speech, Mr. K Rehman Khan, Hon'ble Dy. Chairman, Rajya Sabha said that let us not shy away that we are Muslims Representatives in the Government and we have to talk about their agenda and work for it. He said it is not the lack on the part of the Government in appreciating the difficulties faced by muslims, but our failure to clearly work out our agenda, put up demands collectively and pursue persistently to get them done. He said we need to understand our priorities - education, reservation and empowerment.


Present on the occaision were Mr. Asad Owaisi, MP, Mr. A Rashid, MP, Mr. Kadir Rana, MP, Mr. Ahmad Saeed, MP, Mr. B. Ajmal, MP, Mr. Zafar Ali Naqvi, MP, Mr. Azeez Pasha, MP, Mr.D Raja, MP, Mr. Maulana Qasmi, MP, Dr. Ejaj Ali, MP, Mr. Shariq, MP, Mr. M Adeeb and few other MPs, besides Mr. Shafi Quraishi, Chairman, NCM, Mr. PA Inamdar, Chairman, Azam University and others


Mr. Naqvi, Maulana Qasmi, Mr. Shariq, Mr. Ajmal and Mr. Rana also shared their thougths.


Ealier making background presentation, MJ Khan, President, National Economic Forum for Muslims said that the world order is changing and the community need to access quality education for mainstreaming role, growth and a place in the society. He emphasised that youths are looking forward to playing mainstream role in the social and economic development of the nation. They need enabling environment and level playing field. He spelt out Six point demand for the consideration of the Government:


Six Point Agenda 


  1. Govt. support in education, skills development, equal opportunities and fair share in national resources


  1. Community needs the Instrument of Reservation.  Mishra Commission Report to be Tabled in House


  1. Equal Opportunity Commission to be set up


  1. The reports of all Commissions and Committees to be tabled and ATR presented within 3 months


  1. Muslims sensitivities to be respected


  1. Audit of Ministries and States on "Minorities Confidence Level"  and to release Annual Survey Report



Based on that four specific demands were spelt out by MJ Khan, while concluding his presentation. The program was ably conducted by Mr. Kamal Farqui.


  1. The discrimination meted out to Muslims under article 341 through the Presidential Order 1950, must be revoked and Muslim SC/SC castes must be entitled to the same benefits, as other SC/ST


  1. Muslims need the instrument of reservation. The OBC quota may be tri-furcated among Advanced OBCs, MBCs and Muslims for a just and fair share to all the three sub-groups


  1. 15% share in all educational institutions, Govt or private, and in all Govt. and PSUs schemes, allocations, dealerships etc., as suggested by Mishra Commission. A Monitoring Officer in each Ministry.


  1. Support in skills up-gradation and certification through launch of a major program up to block levels by the Union Ministry of Labour and Employment with allocations of Rs. 3500 crores annually


More details with photograph would be sent soon. We shall appreciate your kind comments and suggestions.


With regards

MJ Khan

President - IMRC and Muslim Economic Forum

New Delhi - 1


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